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It's been a few days now, about a week that you've been in the hospital. Today was your scheduled day to be able to return back to the dorms to your normal life.

Katsuki had left early from the hospital, demanding you send him texts every morning reassuring you're ok. It calmed the blonde as long as he'd get a "Still alive!" Message notification that popped up on his screen.

After sending the text you began to get ready to leave. The nurse happily helped you get up and out of bed, including helping you get to the car. Normally you'd fly but it was highly recommended you don't use your quirk until tomorrow. Even if you're no longer hospitalized. This made you slightly irritated but you understood and got in the back seat.

"(Name)!!! God finally!!" Kaminari shouted from the common area as you walked through the doors. The boy ran over with an annoyed and gloomy face, "it has been absolute torture being here without you, Bakugo won't stop whining."

Your eyebrow quirked up, and you looked at Kaminari confused. "Bakugo..whining...? Are you sure about that?"

He nodded quickly which made you even more confused as he confirmed that Katsuki had been "whining" due to your absence in the dorms.

"Where is he? If you don't mind me asking?" You questioned

"Oh! He said something about getting a breather, right before he left. Not sure where tho...sorry" Kaminari scratched his neck. You gave a polite smile and a quick "Thank you" before leaving back out the dorm room doors.

You knew, of course you did. Why wouldn't he be there?


"...Uh Bakugo..are you scared of anything?"

"What!? No of course not! Idiot, I'm not afraid of anything! Not even the dark!!"

"That's so cool!! But um...is it weak to be afraid..? Because I'm afraid of a few things.."
The young boy played with his fingers as he looked down at his shoes

"Pff just because you're scared of bugs doesn't mean you're weak."

The young boy threw a light punch to the young blondes shoulder with a slightly irritated pout.

"That's not it!!...Bakugo I'm being serious."

The blonde froze from his fit of laughter and grew silent as he listened.

"I'm afraid of...losing things I care about, like my mom or my friends or..uh"



"Knew you'd be here Bakugo." You lightly chuckled as you walked up the hill
"You can be so predictable sometimes"

"Predictable!?" Katsuki growled, his brows furrowed

"Hey, it's a compliment." You held your hands to your chest with a smirk across your face.

"Whatever Idiot.." the blonde pouted, turning back to face the city lights.

You walked up and stood beside him, next to the tree with your signatures. It was just as you'd remember, same calm feeling that always made you feel warm within your chest. The warmth growing stronger as you stood next to Katsuki.

Your brows furrowed as you began to grow nervous, swallowing your slight fear you asked.

"Where you afraid.."

You didn't dare look Katsuki in the eyes, staring out at the city was better for you in this situation anyways as you waited.




The tightness in your chest didn't subside as much as you'd thought. Deciding to lighten the mood as best you could you laughed lightly.

"I guess we both share different fears then, huh..?"


Katsuki stared with no emotion that could easily be read on his face. His eyes showed fear but rested, along with his mouth that wasn't smiling nor frowning. He closed his eyes and breathed in.

"I was terrified."

You froze, and looked over at Katsuki with slight panic and regret for asking the question in the first place.


"Katsuki." The blonde interrupted


"Call me Katsuki. We've been friends long enough haven't we?"

The wind danced around the two of you as the cities lights shimmered in the red irises of Katsukis eyes once he looked at you. It took you a moment but you smiled and nodded, "Katsuki." You said with your smile growing. Katsuki smiled back with hopeful eyes.

"Well..sense this is all sentimental." You took a few steps forward and out came your wings. Facing back to Katsuki you held out your hand.

"Care to fly with me, Katsuki?"

𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now