Chapter 6

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(Mature content in this chapter. If you don't like skip to the end.) 

(Fred's POV)
The next few days go by and Luminara and I are in the library with Professor Lupin studying during free period. Luminara seems much more relaxed these past few days but I know that underneath this calm attitude of hers she is still stressed which is such a good thing to see but also it worries me a bit not just as her husband but as her friend as well. I am busy attempting to help Luminara with a formula for a potion. "Fred that's not what it says." She says getting technical and points out what she is seeing. "No that's for another potion." I say. "It is not!" She says getting aggravated. "It is too. Look at the book." I say getting equally as frustrated as her. "Alright enough studying for now. Take a break." Professor Lupin says stepping in and stopping us before our fight continued. We both stop and look away from each other and sit. "I'm going to get some air." Luminara says standing and leaving the library. I watch her leave and sigh running a hand through my hair frustrated that my wife and I nearly got into a fight with each other. I can't wait till this term ends or at least this test ends. "Fred?" I hear my wives voice say a few minutes later. "Yes Luminara?" I ask turning to face her. "I'm sorry." She says looking at me. "Awww honey come here. We should both be sorry. We've know each other so long and should've seen that the other one was getting stressed." I say standing and hugging her. She just hugs back and holds me and starts to cry. "Awww shh honey don't cry. Its okay. Shhhh." I coo softly. She stops crying and just holds me and moves her head a bit and lays it on my chest. "You feel ready to get back into studying?" I ask holding her. "Yeah." She says pulling away and sits down opening her book and goes back to studying. I smile and sit down and study as well helping her till the bell rings telling us free period is over. Luminara and I pack up our books and thank Professor Lupin and head to our last class for the week. We arrive at the class and take our seats and wait for Professor Lupin to come in and teach. After class we head to the common room and relax a bit. "Mrs. Weasley, may I see you in my class please?" Professor Snape says as we walk past his room. "Yes sir." She says and walks into his classroom. I wait out in the hallway for her and no more then a few minutes later she comes out of the class in tears and hugs me. I hug her and take her to a secluded part of a hallway and set her down. "What did Snape say to you?" I ask concerned and gently hold her shoulders. "Nothing. He just told me that I need to improve on my potion making." She says crying. "Its okay honey. Shhhhhhh." I say pulling her into me and rock her softly. Once she was calmed down enough we head back to the common room and I take her to our door and let her get some well deserved rest and quietly leave the room and run into George. "Ah George I'm glad I bumped into you. I need to talk to you about something." I say looking at my twin. "Sure Fred. What's up?" He asks me. "Luminara is stressed beyond the limit she should be. I'm just glad that the term is almost over. I know Luminara and she is at the verge of breaking down and making herself sick. We actually got into an argument today and that never happens. I honestly want her to get her frustrations out or to release the stress she's been building up over the past few months. Not weeks. Months. I didn't realize it at first but after she snapped at me I knew that the stress is starting to build up and I fear that if she doesn't do something about it she'll go mad." I say sighing and look down. "Well tomorrow is Saturday and we don't have anything going on so why don't you take her to the Quidditch field and just have her break down out there. Let her toss the Quaffle around a bit." George suggest. "That's a good idea Georgie. When did you suddenly come up with all these ideas." I say looking at my twin. "Well I am the smartest twin and I'm usually the one who thinks up the pranks. And I am the oldest twin." He says proudly. "Oh shove off mate. I'm the oldest twin. Your the smartest." I say playfully shoving him causing the both of us to laugh. "You feeling better now Freddie?" George asks and places his hand on my shoulder. "Yeah I am. Thanks brother." I say standing up from the floor. "Anytime brother." He says standing and leaves to his dorm. I smile and head back into mine and my wives shared dorm and see her sitting on the bed with all her books scattered all over the bed. "Alright clean up the books and put them away for the rest of the day." I say closing the books with my wand. "Hey Freddie I was studying." She whines looking up at me upset. "Nope. You need to step away from all those books. Now put them away or I'll do it for you." I warn holding my wand up. She just groans and get out of bed and cleans up the books and puts them away. "Alright they're away. Happy?" She asks crossing her arms and looks at me upset. "Yes I am." I say smiling and put my wand away and walk to her. "Fred what are you do.." She starts to say but get cut off by me. I lean down and kiss her gently which she melts into it and kisses back wrapping her arms around my neck gently. "You know this can't go any further even though I want it to." She says pulling away. "I know love. Now what do you want to do before we have to head to the Great Hall? And don't you dare say study." I say holding her waist. "I don't know." She says shrugging. "How bout we think of pranks to pull on Filtch and Snape?" I ask. "Nah." She says shaking her head and sit down again on the edge of the bed. "What about making out and going a step further." I say winking at her. "Mhhhm Fred lets not go further I'm still hurting from the last time. I need to get rid of this stress some way." She say looking at me. "Okay. Tomorrow to help relieve your stress lets go to the quiddtch field and we can toss the quaffle around if you are feeling okay. Then afterwards we can go to hogsmead and get some butter beer or just look around." I say kissing her gently. "Sounds like fun." She says kissing back gently and lays down slowly pulling me on top of her. 

Love at Hogwarts // Fred Weasley love storyWhere stories live. Discover now