Chapter 8

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(Luminara's POV)
I am now six months pregnant and I have been having a lot of back and hip pain due to the weight I am carrying. Right now I am washing the dishes from mine and my husbands lunch. "Ohhh baby easy." I say feeling the baby move around and kick. "Is the baby moving?" I hear my husband ask as he comes around and rubs my stomach feeling our baby move. "Yeah baby's moving. Although by the way that it feels like I might be carrying twins and they might be girls based on the way the baby is sitting and how its position." I say rubbing my stomach gently. "Maybe." He says rubbing my stomach gently. "I should get ready for your mum. She's coming over to check on the baby." I say smiling and go get everything ready waddling and wince at the pressure. "Let me help you love. You sit down and relax." Fred says setting me on the couch gently. I sit down and watch him smiling and rub my baby bump feeling the baby kick around being active at the moment. "Alright you are all ready for mum. I need to head over to our little shop with George and work with him on some things. I'll be back soon. I love you." He says finishing and leans over to kiss me. "Alright. I love you. Have fun and be safe." I say smiling and kiss him gently. He smiles and heads to the shop leaving me alone waiting for my mother in law to come. "Hello?" I hear Molly day knocking as she opens the door. "Hi molly." I say standing up and waddle over to her. "Hello deary. Aww you look so adorable. Look at you. How you feeling?" She asks hugging me gently. "I am struggling but doing okay. Baby is very active. Also I think I might be pregnant with twins." I say smiling and hug her as best as I can. "Good. Well lets see how the baby is doing." She says walking back with me to the bed room. I waddle with her slowly feeling lots of pain in my hips. "Alright here we go." She says laying me down gently on the bed. I lay down and prop myself up getting comfy. Molly goes about her business asking me to unbutton my dress around where my baby bump was which I do. I let her and relax feeling her check my stomach feeling the baby. "Huh that's interesting." She says feeling my baby bump. "What? What is it? What's wrong?" I ask worrying and look at her. "Nothings wrong dear its just that I am feeling around your stomach and feel two bodies kicking around." She says smiling and feeling around and feels two babies. "I'm having twins! Oh Merlin help me." I say panicking and cover my face with my hands. "Twins aren't so bad honey. I know I had Fred and George." She says continuing her check up. "I know they aren't bad but its just that I don't want to be in labor and have to push them out." I say looking at her and sigh. "I know honey. You will be okay. Have you and Fred decided where you want to have the babies?" She asks me. "We have. We want more then anything to stay here to have the babies." I say as she finishes. "And what if you have to go to St. Mungo?" She asks as I button my dress up and start to sit. "I'll be disapointed for sure but I know its because its for the best." I say getting up slowly. "Okay. Now I know you are having hip pains so I'm just going to say to try and stay off your feet as much as you can and when you go to sleep put a pillow between your legs. It will help keep you hips separated." She says. "Okay. Do you have any guess if the babies are going to be boys or girls or one of each?" I ask looking at her. "From the feel of it I believe you are going to have twin girls." She says walking with me to the living room. "Okay. I kind of feel like I am carrying girls just from how the babies are sitting." I say hearing the fireplace go off causing Molly and I to turn around to revel my husband. "Hi guys. So mum how's Luminara doing? How's the baby?" He asks smiling and hugs his mum. "Well the babies are just fine. Growing strong and healthy." She says hugging her son and smiles. "Babies?" He says looking at her shocked. "Yep babies." She says smiling at me. "OH MY MERLIN!! Yes!!!" He says dancing around happily forgetting about me. "Umm Freddie." I say getting his attention. "Ooops sorry. Hi love." He says stopping and pulls me over to him gently and kisses me. I roll my eyes and giggle as I kiss back. "I can't believe we are having twins. I am so sorry in advance." He says pulling away and looks down at me. "If its your kids I am willing to suffer through the imens amount of pain I have to go through." I say looking at him with a smile. "I love you and I will be with you the whole time." He says looking at me and holds me as his mum leaves. "Good. Now tell me how was work?" I ask sitting down with him on the couch. "Work was great. I am so happy that George and I's shop is going very well." He says smiling and tells me all about his day. I sit and listen rubbing my swollen baby bump feeling the babies kicking around. "Owwwww. Easy babies." I say wincing slightly feeling one of the twins kick my rib. "Easy my babies. Mummy's fragile." Fred says leaning over and kisses my stomach gently calming the twins down. I let him and breath deeply and close my eyes leaning my head back sighing. "You okay?" He asks looking at my pained expression. "No. It hurts when they kick super hard and they are putting so much pressure on my hips and its hurting." I say sighing. "Come over here." He says gently pulling me over. I go to him and sit on his lap as he gently grabs my hips and gently rubs them putting just the right amount of pressure on them causing me to sigh feeling relief. "Mmmmm Freddie that feels amazing." I say feeling relief and lay my head against his shoulder gently. "Good. I hate seeing you in pain." He says continuing his movements. "I know. I honestly can't wait for these babies to get here." I say breathing deeply feeling them move and kick around. "Easy my loves. Calm down." Fred says rubbing my stomach gently while still massaging my hips. The twins continue to kick and punch my stomach causing me to wince a lot. "Owww. Merlin." I say holding my stomach and rub it wanting the pain to go away. "How bout we try a bath for you love?" He asks seeing me in pain. I just nod and look down rubbing my stomach starting to cry a bit at the pain. Fred sets me on the couch gently and goes to start the water for a warm bath. "Merlin why are you two so active? Do you enjoy causing mummy so much pain." I say talking to my stomach. The twins continue to kick and punch around my stomach causing me to wince more. "Merlin. Fred I blame this on you." I call to him in pain. "I know. I'm sorry." He says going with my comments as he comes back over to me and picks me up carrying me to the bathroom where there was a hot bath waiting for me. I hold him and start to unbutton my dress as Fred sets me down on my feet and helps me. Fred undresses me as quick as possible and then sets me down in the tub gently. I sit down in the tub and breath feeling the twins relax a bit letting me feel less pain. "Feeling better?" He asks me. "A bit. They have calmed down a little bit but they are still very active and its hard. I hope I'll be able to sleep tonight." I say sighing and look down. "I'm sorry love. I hate seeing you in so much pain and I can't do anything about it." He says sighing and looking at me. "I know but Freddie you are doing everything you can and I thank you for that." I say looking at him. "I know but I just feel bad for having you in pain because of the babies." He says and gently rubs my baby bump. I gently take his hand and keep it still on my baby bump as the twins move around. "You feel that?" I ask looking at him and keep his hand there. "Yeah I feel that. What about it?" He asks. "These two are excited to see you. I know its rough on me right now but its for the best and its almost over." I say looking at him as the babies move. "I know. Is there anything I can do to help you?" He asks. "Well just keep cuddling me and rubbing my stomach. As well as helping me keep the pressure off my hips." I say looking at him. "I can do that. I also can do this." He says kissing me gently. I smile and kiss him and gently place my hand on his cheek. We kiss for a bit before we pull away and smile looking up at him. "I think I'm ready to get out." I say looking at him. "Alright." He says helping me out and wraps me in a towel then goes to get me a pair of pjs to change into. I sit down and start to dry my body off waiting for my husband to come back. "Alright lets get you changed into warm pjs." He says as he walks in with my pjs. "Thank you. I love you." I say taking them and put them on. "Alright if you want I can make dinner." He says as I finish changing. "That would be amazing if you can make dinner for me." I say looking at him. "Of course love. Lets get you onto the couch and some support behind your hips." He says picking me up and carries me to the couch. I smile and hold onto him as he carries me to the couch and gently sets me down so I'm facing the kitchen and props my back up. "Alright let me go start dinner." He says going to make dinner. I smile and watch him make dinner and gently rub my stomach feeling the twins resting. "Dinners almost ready love." He says looking over at me. "Alright. I think the twins are asleep after how many hours." I say smiling up at him. "Good. Did mum say what she thinks the gender will be?" He asks. "She says she believes the babies will be girls." I say looking at him and rub my stomach. "That's exciting." He says smiling and finishes making dinner and brings two plates over to me. "Thank you and it is exciting." I say smiling taking the plate of food from him and start eating it. "Yeah. Our two adorable girls." He says sitting next to me and eats rubbing my baby bump. I smile and eat letting him and relax enjoying his company. My owl hoots from his perch by the window in the livingroom.  "I know Arron. Your hungry. Daddy or I will let you out." I say looking at him. "Alright bud lets let  you out." Fred says smiling and sets his food on the table and then opens the  window and lets him out. I smile and watch so thankful for him being in my life. "Now where were we?" He asks coming back and sits down looking at me with a smile. I smile and look at him eating my food and laugh softly. "We were here eating." I say eating my food with a smile. "Oh that's right." He says smiling and eats. I smile and eat my food slowly but stop half way not hungry anymore. "You okay?" Fred asks looking at me. "I'm fine Freddie. Just not hungry anymore at the moment." I say smiling and set the plate down on the table. "Okay." He says nodding that I'm okay and doesn't want to push me. I nod and look at him as he sets his empty plate down on the table and then takes my hands into his and rubs them. I look at him and smile gently letting him enjoying the time. "How did I get so lucky to have you as my husband?" I ask looking at him. "I ask myself the same question everyday. I am just so happy that we are together and are going to start a family of our own." He says smiling and rubs my stomach gently and smiles looking at it. I smile and watch him enjoying the quiet moments that we are having right now. "What time is it?" I ask looking over at the clock. "It is 6:30 in the evening." He says looking  at the time. "Okay. I think I'm going to head to the bedroom and read for a bit before I go to sleep." I say sitting up fully and start to stand up. Fred helps me stand up since it is hard for me to stand up on my own with the weight of the babies and where they are located. "Thank you." I say waddling back to the bedroom and get into bed and read a bit before I start to doze off and finally fell asleep with my book on my baby bump. "My beautiful and adorable wife. Always falling asleep with a book." I hear my husband say as he takes the book off of me and sets it to the side before he crawls in next to me and goes to sleep. I smile in my sleep and snuggle into him while wrapping my arms around his waist holding him near me.

Love at Hogwarts // Fred Weasley love storyWhere stories live. Discover now