Just Another End For Now

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Kayla Understood that Polly needed to go for a while, she stayed by her brother's side and with Jennifer she saw to her parents needs. Playing with Davis gave her the escape she needed, she was still mad with Eren but had more important things to think about for now.
Josephine and Dawed were told to keep an eye on their daughter as she herself kept an eye on Eren, they would do so eagerly.
As Polly and Eren left for the Gate, Eren's father Fawez showed up on a motorcycle, a fox sat beside him, Polly stroked the fox who licked her face in return.
"Nice to finally meet you Blackbird Polly, so you'll be my daughter's guide?"
"Yes Sir."
"Fawez will be fine. Unger likes you, that's good enough for me"
"He's adorable, yeah Ana kinda expects to be addressed as ma'am until I earn my stripes, whatever."
"Look after my daughter, you'll earn them soon enough."
"I wish I'd done a better job with Tee-jay."
"Don't dwell on that, you won and everyone lived. Do the same for Eren, I believe you will."
"I will Fawez."
"Dad I'm not useless, I can fight too. Polly's only been a Goddess for a little longer than me."
"Yes but she's more powerful than you, listen to her."
"I will dad."
"How old are you Polly?"
"Twenty-three nearly twenty-four."
"My girl is twenty-two. So she's older than you Eren, behave and listen to her."
"Dad, I like Polly, we won't have any problems, her girlfriend though."
"Have you been upsetting people again?"
"It's okay dad, not a big deal. We'll sort out our differences."
"Okay good." He kissed Eren on the head and gently tapped Polly on the shoulder. "You got this Polly. Come on Unger." He motioned to the fox who followed him as he rode away.
"Time to put my world right Eren, after I do I'm there for whatever you need."
"Thanks Polly."
Polly mounted Obevan. Eren had her own motorcycle, a black Triumph Scrambler 1200 XC, her father had ridden off on a similar Triumph, the Bonneville.
Polly returned to Earth with Eren. There was still human life there, around three million people overall.
Polly did her best to dispose of the waste, the strange creatures she left alone in hopes they would adapt to her new version of Earth. Very few buildings were left in the world and Polly saw to it that grass began to grow again, that crops were available for all man, bird and beast, everything in between too.
Money wouldn't rule her planet and harmony would actually come to pass.
No idea was perfect and bad things would still happen but she hoped her new version would see a better, kinder and more giving human being take over from the corruption of old.
People had seen her and what she'd done.
They prayed to her and worshipped her as a New World Savior, this made her uncomfortable.
The Earth had returned to the Old Ways, Polly was fine with this, people would be okay without T.V's and the Internet. Books and musical instruments were the greatest creations the human had invented in terms of entertainment, it deserved to live on.
Guns and weapons were no longer a thing but maybe one day people would begin to hunt again, she hoped not.
Polly saw to it that every person, family was homed, it was nothing special, they were given tents, warmth and safety.
People interacted with plants, it became normal and the plants interacted back.
Being different wasn't frowned upon and kindness was paramount in society.
Polly left Earth to it, maybe they would change, forget the lessons Covid-19 and Jana had taught them and become greedy and selfish again.
Polly hoped not, at least if it was the case it wouldn't happen for many, many decades and she would come to a more humane solution than this now extinct virus.
On their return to Annwvn everyone was pleased by Polly's success.
Polly had demanded that Kayla and Eren become friends, they agreed.
Little did Polly know that Kayla didn't mean a word of what she said in her apology to Eren.
Before Polly set off with Eren to her own version of Earth she spent what would be her final night with Kayla for quite a while.
Polly stopped in on Tee-jay the next morning to see how he was.
Saying her goodbyes to everyone she and Eren headed to this other version of Earth.
"So what should I expect in your world Eren?"
"I think it's best you see for yourself, there's subtle differences but after a few days there you'll notice them."
"Okay I'll look out for them."
They went through the Gate to Polly's Earth.
The first thing Polly noticed was the color of a goat someone had on a leash.
"A blue goat?"
"Most goats here are blue, you have dogs, we have goats. The blue goat is a sign of new adventures, which is definitely something we're about to have."
"You're going to have to explain to me what exactly it is you've been fighting and what you need me to do Eren."
"I will, but first there's something I need to show you."
"Oh, what?"
"Come on, I'll take you to my flat."
Polly followed. "Where exactly are we?"
""We're in Wales, Swansea to be exact. Funny really, it's where Kayla's family is descended from, she'll have to visit one day."
They entered her flat.
"Come on into my bedroom."
"What do you want to show me?"
Eren opened the door. "Say hi to someone."
Sitting on a chair reading a book was Polly's ex girlfriend Naia, except she wasn't.
"Huh? What the hell's going on?"
"Remember Polly this is a different Naia."
Naia looked up from her book. "Hi Polly, we have a lot to talk about."


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