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They rode in comfortable silence until Tee-jay pulled up on a side road.
"Sorry girls, I don't like to break up the coziness between you but I need a short break from driving. Give me half an hour and I don't mind driving a bit longer."
"No no, not fair on you, my turn to drive next. Let's stretch our legs a bit first." Polly suggested.
They all got out, Polly stretched, it felt good. They looked out on the jungle wasteland, they had all become unfazed by it rather quickly.
What had once been the Indiana Space Station was now a dusty ghost, shame, Polly had never really minded it but in the end Nature had had enough of human frivolity, space travel hadn't been deemed worthy enough to save in the end.
"We've destroyed this planet enough haven't we Polly? Who knows what we'd do to a place like Mars?" Tee-jay guessed what she was thinking.
"I guess we tried to do some unbelievable things as a species, good intentions or whatever but in the end it was selfishness, discovery at dire cost."
"If we even really made it to the Moon." Kayla piped in.
Polly shrugged. "Space travel was judged and sentenced, Let's get out of here." Before she could take another step she noticed a rock jutting out among the flora, she knelt down. The letter O was drawn on it. She picked it up to show the others.
"I wonder if she's watching us right now."
"Bro it wouldn't surprise me, I'd expect a coward like that to hide in the shadows rather than face us."
"I guess she could say the same about us Kay."
"That's true but we're out in the open now. The clowning is over, and rocks mean nothing." Kayla took the rock from Polly, spat on it and threw it off the cliff. "See that you cat killing Nazi!"
Tee-jay laughed.
"I'm going to reply to Naia on her post under that video. Closure, I don't even care about seeing her again, she's not worth our time after this."
"Fuck no Polly, she hurt you!"
"I'll read what she said again, I have to get this over with Kay. Okay Tee?"
"We're here with you, do what you gotta do buddy."
Polly read Naia's comment. "I spent two years dating Polly Asiri who you all call the Disease Bird. She is crazy, so is her mom who amusingly enough has been trying to get her own daughter put in shackles and sent to an insane asylum. Polly was fine to start with but all she would do is talk to fucking plants and flowers then shout at people who played soccer in the park. She was fucking embarrassing to be around and has a short temper. I'm not surprised she murdered two innocent policemen in cold blood. If the system had worked quicker she'd be in some white room talking to the ceiling until she died. She needs to be dealt with soon, I don't understand what's happening to this planet I just know Polly Asiri is a danger to us all. I hope this Obliviana woman can put a stop to her by any means necessary." Polly took a deep breath and shook her head sadly. "I thought she was different, I mean that video shows one side of the story doesn't it. Who wouldn't believe I'm evil? Honestly though in the end I think Naia was glad to go, mom just made it easier for her."
"Like I said Polly she's a piece of shit!" Kayla was fuming.
"Okay here's my reply. Naia I hope you are proud of proving you're no better than anyone else by wishing destruction and death on others. If I was as bad as everyone said I'd kill you for what you said. But I won't, you and everyone else can look at yourself as good people but trust me whatever happens with me and your new savior, you and others like you will realize how black your souls have been very soon. Have a wonderful life, while I've found someone in Kayla Woodford who is the decent human being you think you are, I can leave this world happy and loved. I expect you'll be alone, I think that's real justice not the circus of some pitchfork wielding conformists."
"Send it and don't even bother waiting for a reply. She's dead now, like you say I'm the person who loves you now."
"I know and you're right. Come on time to go." Polly took the lead, getting in the drivers seat.
A while later the radio station came alive and Dakota's voice welcomed everyone.
"Hi to the wonderful people who are still breathing in this great world. USA! You can't stop us! We are the strong, Leviathan took the weak and we only have to clean up a few more things to make ourselves pure again. No more Evil allowed, Obliviana will put them to death. Hear the crowds chanting for our new leader, hear what they say and join in with us."
There was a brief silence then the same pseudo inspirational chant was repeated inanely.
"We are the Strong! We belong! We are the great USA! Obliviana make them pay!"
Dakota spoke again. "Hear them roar! She is our hero now, the villains and their reign of terror is coming to an end. Bird of Disease, the killer of innocents you and your cohorts won't corrupt this world much longer."
"Please let me put a bullet in that sanctimonious bitch, preferably between the eyes."
"Cool your jets Kay, I don't disagree but let's keep our cool, it's important we don't let anger override our intellect." Polly explained.
"Do we have to listen to the rest of this?" She replied.
"The blowhard can't last much longer, she talks herself from stupid to silence soon enough."
"We might learn something more." Tee-jay added.
Shortly after they did.
"We are holed in at the underground facility of the Llama farm in Anderson. We can say this proudly and without fear, Obliviana will protect us!"
Kayla looked at Tee-jay who nodded.
"Good call bro."
The radio was switched off, soon afterwards they passed a road sign with the letter O spray painted on it. Not long after there was another one.

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