"The Chaotic Trio" - Chapter 1

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(This story will contain swearing, Sapnap obviously committing arson, POSSIBLY smut, sexual talk, and also Sap will be a bottom and George will be a top. I am only using their minecraft personas, not them in real life! If this story ever contains anything that makes them uncomfortable, I am sorry, this is just for fun and I mean no harm whatsoever. Also, in this story, everyone lives in LA)

~Character That May Be Used In This Story~

- Sapnap

- George

- Dream

- Drista

- Hailey (Sapnap's 15 yo sister in my au)

- Tommy

- Tubbo

- Wilbur

- Badboyhalo

- Skeppy

- Karl

- Quackity


- Sapnap x George

- Badboyhalo x Skeppy

- Karl x Quackity

Now Let's Get On With The Story!

Word Count: 1,051

~Narrator's POV~

Dream, George and Sapnap were hanging out in their usual hide out. It was this clear area surrounded by trees, some were missing because of Sapnap being.. well.. Sapnap. There was this medium sized pot in the middle with wood inside, lighting it on fire to keep the three warm. There were three chairs for the trio surrounding the pot, nothing too special other than all the fun memories that have been made. 

The three were talking about random things, laughing time to time. Sapnap was getting a bit bored of talking, so he dug into his jeans' back pocket and found his lighter he uses to burn down the trees. A familiar... way too familiar smile appeared on Sapnap's face as he got up and walked towards a tree. Dream watched as George tried to convince Sapnap to not light the tree on fire.

"Sapnap, come back! Who knows what could happen if you light the tree on fire!"

"Don't worry, nothing is going to happen" Sapnap loudly said as he was quite far from his friends.

"How are you so sure nothing is going to happen? The tree could fall down and you could get hurt!" George said, hoping his friend would come back and sit down.

"It only happened once, it's not like it's going to happen again" Sapnap said, about to light the tree on fire. As the flame neared the wood, he heard Dream say he got a message. Sap sighed and walked away from the tree, not getting to commit arson that day. He sat back down on his chair and grabbed his phone, he checked who texted him and it was Tommy. He was a bit confused as to why Tommy was texting him, but decided to check the message.



Tommy: Delivered at 3:02 pm
Hey Sapnap

Sapnap: Delivered at 3:03 pm
Hey Tommy, what's up?

Tommy: Delivered at 3:03 pm
Nothing much, just hanging out with Tubbo. We were wondering if you could maybe hang out with us? If you want to of course, we just think we should get to know each other better since we don't really hang out.

Sapnap: Delivered at 3:04 pm
Sure, I can hang out with you two. Are you guys at your place or Tubbo's place?

Tommy: Delivered at 3:04 pm
We're at my place

Sapnap: Delivered at 3:04 pm
Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes

Tommy: Delivered at 3:05 pm


Sapnap turned off his phone and got up, Dream and George a bit confused. Sapnap told the two that he had something to do, not wanting them to get jealous that he was going to hang out with other people. The duo watched as Sapnap walked away, once he was out of sight they looked at each other with confused looks.

"Sapnap has never left like this... if he had something to do he would wait until we left" Dream said, wondering if something happened.

"Yeah... maybe Hailey needed something or something happened... after all she has had panic attacks before" George responded, a bit worried if something did happen. 

"True... let's not think about it, maybe we should head back to our places" Dream said with a sigh, getting up.

"Alright" George got up from his chair and the two began walking to their cars. The two went their separate ways in order to get to their place, George made it to his place and soon found himself looking through his computer seeing that Tommy was live. He was curious and decided to check it out, getting a text from the group chat with all his friends, it was about Tommy's live.

~Back In Tommy's Place~

"And we're live!" Tommy exclaimed, sitting in between Tubbo who was on his right and Sapnap who was on his left.

"This is going to be interesting" Tubbo said as he was preparing for something to happen.

"Oh look at that, the chat is wondering why I'm hanging out with you instead of Dream and George" Sapnap said as he read the chat. The three talked about many things, laughing time to time, as well as somehow getting Sapnap to giggle. Time went by, not too fast though as the trio began getting really comfortable and getting a bit energetic and chaotic. Sapnap was standing on his chair while Tubbo tried to get on his back, Tommy jumping on his chair. Tubbo ended up getting on Sapnap's back, but the two got knocked down as Tommy fell off his chair and brought the two down with him. The three broke into laughter as the chat was spamming "HAHAHAH's".

The more time went by, the more chaotic the trio got. Sapnap was doing handstands and cartwheels around the room, impressing Tommy and Tubbo, as well as the chat and his friends who were on the live. Tommy proceeded to jump on Sapnap's back, Tubbo decided to jump towards Sapnap, getting caught by him but soon the three went down once again with even more laughter. Soon after the chat began calling them "The Chaotic Trio", the three decided to call themselves that. 

As George watched from his computer, he could see Sapnap was laughing, smiling and having more fun with Tommy and Tubbo than Dream and him. He was jealous... jealous of Tommy and Tubbo. He didn't like that Sapnap was hanging out with them alone, he didn't like it when Sapnap hung out with anyone if he wasn't around, though he's okay with Dream and Sapnap hanging out alone since they're best friends. Tommy and Tubbo know that George has a crush on Sapnap, and they would never do anything to keep George from confessing or doing anything... but George still didn't like where the trio's friendship was going.  

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