Lies - Chapter 2

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A/N- please don't play song yet! I will say when to :)

Word Count: 1,106

~Tommy's POV~

Sapnap, Tubbo and I were hanging out per usual, we have been for a few weeks now. Our fans have been calling us "The Chaotic Trio" because of how we are when we're hanging out, we just get this burst of energy, chaotic energy when we see each other. We do a lot of things, sometimes they could be dangerous, like throwing knifes around, setting things on fire, bee's chasing us for stealing honey, we even almost crashed into a car! Things with Sapnap can be really fun, he isn't always the way he is when we record videos or anything like that, he can make Tubbo's and my mood switch from boredom to happiness, he can be cute, he also opens up to us about how he feels, his past and stuff. 

Enough about that, the three of us were hanging out in a big park near Sap's place. We were just sitting down on a stone table you sometimes see in parks, we weren't doing anything special, just chatting about what we should do when we get to Tubbo's place.

"Hmm.. maybe we should play some music?" Tubbo suggested, Sapnap and I looked at each other and nodded.

"Sure, but which song?" I asked.

"I'm thinking about... This is Home by CAVETOWN?" Sapnap responded, Tubbo and I nodded and we proceeded to continue talking. A few minutes went by, and I decided to ask something Tubbo and I haven't asked Sapnap yet.

"So... Sap, have you hung out with Dream and George lately?" I asked, Sapnap looking over at me.

"No... we have been texting and calling each other a lot recently, George especially, why?"

"Well... Tommy and I have noticed that whenever we see those two, George has been giving us dirty looks... as if he's mad at us, do you know why?" Tubbo explained, looking a bit worried for the answer. 

"No, I don't know why... he's probably looking at something else, I don't think he would be mad at you two, you guys didn't do anything to piss him off" Sapnap responded, Tubbo and I looked at each other... we had a good idea why George is mad at us.

"Uh... Sap, I think we know why he's mad at us..." Tubbo slowly said, Sapnap was confused, "we think George doesn't really like the fact that you're hanging out with us and not him..."

"I doubt it, I texted George last night asking if he was alright with me hanging out with you two, he said he was fine with it" Sapnap responded, showing us his phone and the text messages.

(sapnap's phone)


Me: Delivered at 10:03 pm
Hey Gogy!

Gogy: Delivered at 10:03 pm
Hey Sap! What ya doing?

Me: Delivered at 10:04 pm
Nothing, I was just wondering if you were okay with me hanging out with Tommy and Tubbo? We haven't been hanging out lately so I was just wondering if you were alright with it

Gogy: Delivered at 10:04 pm
Yeah, I'm totally fine with it, so is Dream. You should hang out with other people and not just us two, I just want to see you happy

Me: Delivered at 10:04 pm
Alright! Goodnight Gogy :)

Gogy: Delivered at 10:05 pm
Goodnight Sap :)


After Tubbo and I read the texts, we figured George was lying to Sapnap, he does have a crush on Sap so it's understandable he could be jealous. We just shook it off and we continued to chat, soon enough getting into Sapnap's car and drove to Tubbo's house. 

Once we arrived, we immediately went up to Tubbo's room and grabbed out instruments we needed for the song. The three of us sat down on the bed and began. 

(You can play the song now, S=Sapnap, T=Tubbo, TI=Tommy. Sap plays the guitar, Tubbo plays the piano, and Tommy plays the drums)

S: often, I'm upset.. that I can not fall in love, but I guess this avoids the stress of falling out of it

T: are you tired of me yet? I'm a little sick right not, but I swear when I'm ready I will fly us out of here

TI: I'll cut my hair... to make you stare, I'll hide my chest and I'll figure out a way to get us out of here

S: turn off your porcelain face, I can't really think right now in this place. It's too many colors enough to drive all of us insane

T: are you dead? Sometimes I think I'm dead, 'cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head, but I don't wanna fall asleep just yet

TI: my eyes went dark... I don't know where, my pupils are, but I'll figure out a way to get us out of here

(enjoy the rest of the song)

All of a sudden, we heard Tubbo's bedroom door open and saw Wilbur, Hailey and Drista fall into the room. We laughed at them as they got up from the floor.

"You guys are getting better" Wilbur said, sitting down on the chair in the room. Hailey pushed me off the bed as he sat next to her brother, hugging him which is her way of showing Sapnap that she loves him. 

"Sooo, when are you three planning on doing a concert for your beloved fans and friends?" Drista questioned as she pulled me up and leaned against the door as I sat on the edge of the bed.

"We're not ready yet, we still want to practice a bit before we ask our fans if they want us to host one" Tubbo responded, the six of us talked for a few hours, soon enough Wilbur, Drista, Hailey and Sapnap left while I stayed with Tubbo.

~Sapnap's POV~

I was laying in bed and it was around 2 am, I was bored and I was starting to wonder if George is actually mad at Tubbo and Tommy. There was only one way to find out, I grabbed my phone and began texting George.



Me: Delivered at 2:10 am
George... I have a question and I want you to answer truthfully

Gogy: Delivered at 2:10 am

Me: Delivered at 2:10 am
Are you jealous that I'm hanging out with Tommy and Tubbo?

Gogy: Delivered at 2:11 am
Of course not!

Me: Delivered at 2:11 am
Hmm.. okay then, goodnight George

Gogy: Delivered at 2:11 am
Goodnight Sap


I sighed as I turned my phone off, I guess I could call Dream later today and ask him about George... he wouldn't lie to me... right?

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