Taking Care Of Sapnap - Chapter 5

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A/N: In this story, Sapnap has one puppy who is named Teddy. Teddy is a small black Labrador Retriever.

Word Count: 1,068

~George's POV~

Waiting... Dream, Tommy, Tubbo and I were waiting outside of the room that the doctors took Sapnap in... I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared, my heart was beating fast and I could hardly breath just thinking what could happen. As we were waiting, the doctor came outside the room and so did the nurses and other doctor.

"What happened, is Sapnap alright?" Dream asked, beating me to it.

"We stitched Sapnap's wound, so he'll have to be careful in order to not open them up. Other than that, he does have 2 third degree burns on his stomach, no broken bones, so he'll be alright. He can't do any activities that can cause his stitches to open, for at least a month and a half, but other than that he is free to go after he wakes up." The doctor explains, they left and we were able to go into the room. When we did, we saw Sapnap was sitting on the bed.

"Hey Sapnap.. you alright?" I asked, helping him get off the bed.

"No... I will be if I get ice cream" Sapnap said as he walked outside the room, we all followed and we made it inside Dream's car.

~Time Skip~

"Sapnap! You are not allowed to set trees on fire anymore!" Hailey said as she hugged Sapnap, Drista did mention Hailey got scared and almost had a panic attack. Sap was now sitting down at the kitchen table, eating his ice cream as Tommy, Tubbo, Drista and Hailey talked to him.

"There's no way he's going to stay here alone, until he's healed" Bad said.

"Sapnap being Sapnap, he might do something that could open his stitches... and that would be bad if it happens" Skeppy said, what he said is possible... Sapnap isn't the type to listen to people, even when he gets seriously hurt.

"either someone's going to stay here with Sap, or he'll stay at someone's place until he's back to normal" Karl said, Quackity, Wilbur, Bad, Skeepy, Dream and I agreed.

"But who's going to stay here, or have Sapnap stay at their place?" Wilbur asked.

"Hmm... it had to be one of us since there is no way we're letting Tommy and Tubbo take care of him... and if Drista and Hailey take care of him, who knows what would happen." Quackity responded.

"I could take-" Dream began, but I caught him off.

"I'll take care of him, I'll stay here and make sure he's safe" I said.

"Alright then, I think it's best if we all left already so Sapnap could rest" Drista said, I guess she was listening to our conversation. Everyone other than Sap and me got up, they said goodbye and left.

"I could have just stayed here alone" Sapnap said, still eating his ice cream.

"There was no way I'm letting you stay here alone, I know how you are Sap" I said, hearing Sapnap giggle as he knew what would happen if he did stay here alone. His giggles are cute... I have no idea how I'm going to be able to stay here a whole month and a half. Because of the way I feel towards Sapnap, I might get mixed emotions... but Sapnap only sees us as friends, and that's a bit heart breaking... I guess what I'm trying to say is it's probably best to just be a friend towards Sapnap while I'm here.

"Come on, you should probably rest for a bit" I said, picking Sapnap up bridal style as I knew he isn't going to walk.

"can we cuddle?" Sapnap asked as we were now in his room, I paused and took a moment to process what he just said.

"I um... sure" I responded laying Sap down on his bed, I took off my shoes and got on the bed as well. I pulled the covers over the both of us, feeling Sapnap wrap his arms around my torso and began cuddling me. I hesitantly wrapped his arms around Sapnap's torso as well, being careful not to hurt him. I got comfortable and noticed Sap was fast asleep, I decided I would sleep for a bit too.

~Time Skip~ (again)

I slowly woke up remembering that I was in Sap's room, I looked beside me and Sapnap was still asleep. I slowly and carefully got off the bed, making sure Sapnap was still asleep and he was. I quietly left Sap's room and went into the kitchen to get something to eat. I didn't really find anything I wanted so I decided to steal Sap's ice cream, eating the whole thing in no time. I was scrolling through my phone when I heard Sapnap coming downstairs.

"George? Oh there you are" Sap said.

"Hey, are you hungry? Do you need me to get something for you?" I asked.

"No, I'm just gonna get the ice cream I was eating earlier" Sapnap responded, I looked back at my phone knowing exactly what was going to happen in any second now.

"George..." Sapnap began, "WHY DID YOU EAT MY ICE CREAM YOU IDIOT?!"

I began laughing so hard while Sapnap screamed at me and playfully punched me, I couldn't breath at all. For the whole day Sapnap ignored me, that's his way of saying "I hate you, either deal with it or make it up to me". Since things similar to this has happened before, I know what would cheer him up. I went up to Sapnap's room, seeing him on his bed with his favorite orange blanket covering him.

"Saaaaaap, I got a surprised for you" I said, hiding Teddy behind me who I went all they way to Hailey's place just to get... more like steal.

"No" Sapnap responded, not wanting to look at me. All of a sudden, Teddy got away from my hands and walked towards Sap's face, poking his head into Sapnap's blanket.

"TEDDY!" Sapnap yelled, picking his puppy up and throwing his blanket onto the floor. Teddy began barking and jumping around which was his way of saying he missed someone, while I looked at Teddy jumping on the bed, I felt Sapnap hug me and I also felt his kiss my cheek.

"Thank you George!" Sapnap said as he began playing with his puppy. It took me a moment to process what happened until I realized. Score!

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