Chapter 9

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Now we get the backstory of the night our lovable family dynamic died. Also side note- I'm no cook, I'm guessing on how to cook here.
-Question of the week! Favorite book series? Mines either Harry Potter or The Lunar Chronicles.

Third Person POV
The day was just like any other day for the family household. Techno had just got done streaming, Wilbur was working on a new song, and Phil was in the garden.

Techno went to ask the two others what they want for supper, seeing as it was his turn to cook that day. Phil said he didn't care, same as Wilbur. So Techno went with potato soup, matched with baked potatoes of course.

Since Phil had a garden, they didn't have to buy vegetables, and always had some, somewhere. Techno was cutting the potatoes that were going into the soup up, washing the ones that were going to be baked.

While waiting for the oven to pre-heat, techno got some chicken broth out, and cut carrots, celery, and onions. He put the diced vegetables on a skillet and cooked them on the stove.

Once they were cooked and the oven was done pre-heating, Techno slid a tray of potatoes into the oven and added the diced cooked vegetables to the broth and put them in a pot, simmering on the stove. Later adding salt and pepper to the mixture on the stove.

Once everything was done, Techno brought a bowl and a plate of potatoes to his father and brother. Once he had a plate and bowl of his own, he put the left overs away, eating before going to bed.

As Techno laid in bed, he wondered if he turned the stove off, but dismissed the thought, remembering a previous time he turned it off, but not that night.

If only he'd just doubled check to be safe.

The next time Techno woke up, it was to an awful smell, his vision blurred from the smoke- wait smoke?

Techno jolted awake, looking around at the fire around him. It wasn't in his room, but the smoke was rafting into his room from the door. Techno rushed to the door, the doorknob was hot, so he knew the fire was right outside his door. His room was on the second floor, meaning he couldn't jump without the possibility of dying.

Technos thoughts are interrupted by a coughing fit erupting from his throat, he'd need to act fast if he wanted to get out of here alive.

Just then, a creak could be heard above techno, the ceiling caving in, crushing techno, but not killing him instantly. He stayed under the rubble, unable to get up, long enough for the fire to enter the room, and to hear the screams of his brother and father, as they assumingely burned away.

Techno was the last to die that night, Wilbur and Phil dying roughly at the same time.


Phil was in his room going to bed when the fire happened. He could smell the smoke before the fire came roaring up the stairs. Phil tried to open the door, he had to warn his kids to get out of the house, but panic can blind people. Phil couldn't open the door due to him turning the doorknob the wrong way and assumed the door was jammed. He tried to listen to hear if his sons were okay, but could only hear the raging fire.

Phil began to pray, which was strange as he wasn't a religious person, but he prayed for the safety of his kids.

But it seems god wasn't listening.

As the smoke filled Phil's lungs, he continues the prays, using his final breathe to yell out in pain. He passed out as Wilbur yelled for help.


Wilbur was still practicing when the fire started. At first, when he smelled the smoke, he thought Phil had lit a candle and dismissed the smell. Soon though, that excuse didn't work, as the house began to heat up, and the smell of smoke became more intense. He went to open the door, but yanked his hand back, the flames had somehow raged up the stairs in little time.

As smoke filled the room, he heard something collapse in the distance, and just hoped everyone was safe. He looked out the window and noticed that he's get badly injured if he jumped, but as the flames got closer to the room, the idea to jump seemed more appealing.

He walked to the window, really contemplating jumping, as the door is consumed with flames. He looks between the window and the flames, then hears Phil yell in pain, and takes that as a sign to jump.

Once he's falling, he realizes just how much of a bad idea this was, and yells for help he knows he won't get. Wilbur feels the pain crash into him as he hits the ground. He knows he broke something, and slowly passes out from the pain, staying awake long enough to see the house collapse in front of him.


With a jolt, Tommy wakes up. He wipes tears from his face, which he didn't even know were there, trying to catch his breathe, his heart racing.

That had to be the scariest dream he'd ever had. It was so vivid and the screams sounded so real.

Tommy got to thinking, he's never had such a dream- nightmare before. His imagination couldn't have been that accurate, to make everything happen to vividly. He started wondering if one of the ghost had decided to share what had happened that night with him somehow.

The thought of the poor ghosts going through all that pain horrifies Tommy.

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