Chapter 14

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Ranboo will be in the story I've decided :)
—-Question of the week! I have other stories I've been working on, which one sounds more interesting? 'Tommy goes blind and stays with techno instead of betraying him' or 'Tommy and Tubbo get adopted by Phil and his two sons Wilbur and Techno'

Third Person POV
After a few hours of tossing and turning, tubbo went to Tommy to talk about the medium stuff he was sprouting off about at dinner.

Tubbo knocked on Tommy's door, knowing he was awake, being confirmed when he heard a 'come in' from inside. He peaked his head into the room to see Tommy with an old looking book.

"Can you explain more on your theory of me being a medium?", he asks Tommy. Tommy glances at another book beside him before nodding. Shifting over to make room for tubbo, Tommy grabs the books and sets the one he was reading before down.

And Tommy explains. He explains what the book told him about mediums and how they sound very similar to tubbo himself. Also mentioning instances were tubbo could feel something that Tommy couldn't. Tubbo nodded along, the information making sense the more Tommy talked about it.

"There is a way to tell if you're a medium or not- or so it says in the book", tommy says while flipping to a page. Tubbo tilt his head in interest, like a golden retriever, Tommy notes still flipping pages.

When he finds the page he's looking for, he shows it to tubbo, "Okay, so, you need to.. do some soul searching? Mm.. meditate, and 'open yourself to the spirit'.. so you're just trying to summon a ghost", Tommy explains- well if you call that explaining.

Tubbo nods his head anyway and closes his eyes, trying to 'open himself' to the spirits around. He felt nothing, and was about to give up when suddenly he felt.. something.

He didn't know how to explain this feeling, he just felt like there was someone with him, in his soul. He tries to grab this feeling and when he does obtain it. He pulls it towards him and hears Tommy gasp, causing him to open his eyes and look at Tommy.

Except Tommy wasn't looking at him. Tommy was looking behind him. He slowly turns his head and sees a ghost. This wasn't Phil, Techno, or Wilbur either. This is a new ghost.

This ghost looked like he died in his teens, he had shaggy brown hair, he had green eyed, but one of them had gleam red in it. He had on a black and white mask, hiding the bottom half of his face. He was wearing a suit with a red tie and he was tall. Like 6,6 tall.

"Hello", tubbo said to the ghost that definitely wasn't techno, phil, or Wilbur. The ghost looked up and looked at tubbo, tilting his head, but saying nothing.

"What's you're name?", tubbo asks, again the ghost just tilts his head. It almost seems like he wants to say something, but can't voice it.

Tommy suddenly appears with a notepad and pen and hands it to the ghost, it phases right through the ghosts hands. "No, you have to focus really hard on having the object in your hands so you can communicate with tubbo", Tommy informs the ghost. The ghost nods his head at Tommy and leans down to get the pad and pen.

It takes a few minutes but he sits back up with the pad and pen in his hands. He writes something down and shows it to the boys. 'Ranboo' was written in shaking handwriting.

"Ranboo? Nice, well did you also die in this house?" Tommy asked bluntly, but you could tell he was trying to soften the tone of the question. Ranboo shook his head before going back to the notepad. 'Car crash' was written down under 'Ranboo'.

Tommy hums and looks through the book he was reading whenever tubbo first entered the room. "Does tubbo have an item that you're attached to?", Tommy asks the ghost, to which the ghost nods his head. Tommy looks to tubbo, "is there an object that you have a lot of sentimental value to you?", he asks.

Tubbo thinks for a moment, then remembers a plushy he bought from a thrift shop. He nods his head and quickly rushes out of the room, leaving Tommy with Ranboo. "Sup Ranboob", Tommy says to make fun of his name, though the name quickly died when ranboos eye turned completely red, and Ranboo stepped towards Tommy. Though he only took one step towards Tommy, the intention was clear.

Tommy was quiet for the rest of the wait and ranboos eye went back to normal just in time for tubbo to come back. He had a zombie piglin plushy in his hands, and Ranboo whole demeanor changed. He looked more relaxed, not as stiff as he was when he was summoned.

Tubbo smiled at this, but Tommy just looked at Ranboo warily. 'What was Ranboos intention when he stepped towards me?", Tommy thought.

In the book Tommy was reading, he found out that intention is one of the only things that differs from a malevolent and benevolent ghost. If the ghost intends to act harm against a person, it's a malevolent ghost and should be exercised. While, if the ghost doesn't want to harm you, their a benevolent ghosts and can stay.

Tommy would have to do more reading about malevolent ghosts before doing anything, but Ranboo in that moment did not mean good intentions. But this is tubbos ghost, Tommy didn't want to exercise a ghost that his best friend just summoned.

When Tommy decided to pay attention again he saw that tubbo was having a peaceful conversation with ranboo. Ranboo had none of the malice he had with Tommy when talking to tubbo. Tommy decided to not join the conversation, worried about what Ranboo would do if he did.

'Was this the right choice?', was all Tommy could think.

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