friends? 1

1K 17 17

includes alcohol & drugs (part 2 is smut)

It was another normal Saturday night. You were currently doing your makeup sitting in Mina's room, waiting for the others to arrive. Her parents were out on a business trip for the whole weekend so you both made a mutual decision to dedicate the weekend to getting as drunk as possible.

You were waiting for the rest of the bakusquad to arrive as well as some others like Ochako, Tsu, Deku, Todoroki, Jirou bla bla bla...

Sipping on your second cocktail of the night, your reflection winked back at you whilst Mina was in the back deciding which top made her tits look the best.

"So which one of them are you going for?" You said to her, still looking at your own reflection.

"I don't even know, I guess I'll decide later. Maybe Bakugou if he doesn't decide to act like a complete dick the whole night."

"Like usual." you replied, however as she said his name your couldn't help but let your eyebrow twitch. You and Bakugou were close, closer than the rest of class 2A, however it was entirely platonic. You had been neighbours since you were kids, and had probably spent everyday together since. It would be crazy to see him otherwise, no, that would just be absurd.

"So what about you?" Mina said.

"Hmm I don't know." you said pulling up your thigh highs.

"Todoroki is dying for it." she said in a singsong voice which you simply shook your head to and laughed.

No doubt Todoroki was definitely the dream boy, but there was always something holding you back. There had been a few parties where you had a mindless make out session, but there was nothing more.

"I don't know, I think I might like him? But something is missing, y'know. It might just be because he's the hottest boy at UA."

Once the two of you were ready, you grabbed ur phone and made your way downstairs.

The music clouded your head as you began to feel the alcohol take over. That's when you heard a knock at the door. Feeling a burning feeling of excitement begin to swirl around your stomach you squealed in tune with Mina and skipped over to the door. Opening it to reveal the rest of your friends, you stepped to the side to let them in. Hugging a few of them here and there, they could all smell the tang of alcohol cloud around the house.

They poured into the main room and grabbed a few drinks. Some of them were already drunk, obviously they had pre-drank just like you had.

You danced with a few of the girls for a while, downing a few drinks here and there. The buzz of alcohol in your blood pushed all bad thoughts away and allowed you to just focus on tonight. However, you couldn't help but let your gaze wonder over to the group of boys that were chugging drinks on the couch. Bakugou stood there staring at his shoes as if he was in deep thought. You could tell something was on his mind, he hadn't even taken a sip of his drink.

That when you saw some of the boys get up, Sero, Kirishima and Bakugou in particular, and go to slide the glass door open and walk into the garden. You and Mina immediately gave each other a smirk and followed them, already aware of their intentions.

An earthy smell clouded around you as you approached the three who were sat in the garden chairs. You filled the gap next to Bakugou, only just realising that you had barely gotten to speak to him tonight. He seemed slightly off tonight with you, normally he wouldn't be shy to approach you straight away.

"Ignoring me?" you said to him with a smug smile as people began passing the joint around. He gave you a side glance, watching as you inhaled the smoke. He couldn't help but let his eyes trail down to your lips as they wrapped around the brown paper.

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