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Third person pov (leias side)
Leia was now incapsulated by a ray shield, there was no way to get past it, she would just have to talk or fight her way out of who or what was coming for her. But to her dismay it was Vader and Luke, she had long since accepted the fact that she would probably not make it out alive tonight, but she didn't want it to be at the hands of the man who killed her father.
"Mind letting me out?" She asked them and Vader walked up to her cage and punched in a code to let her out. She looked up at him puzzled before turning to leave towards her plane but the force stopped her from moving. "Vader, mind telling me what this is about, is it illegal to leave senatorial parties now?" She asked impatiently.
"I cannot let my daughter leave." He sold her and she stopped trying to fight the force. Daughter? Was he talking about her? Impossible. She didn't know Vader had a daughter, maybe she was a secret. Perhaps they thought she had he daughter as a prisoner.
"I'm sorry Lord Vader but I don't follow. If you think that I am holding anyone, especially your daughter, against their will, then you are severely mistaken. I will allow you to search my ship if that's what it takes." She told him with crossed arms.
"Leia, you are my daughter."
"And my twin." Luke piped up and she backed away.
"Impossible! My parents are dead! You killed my father! My mother died in childbirth! You're wrong!" She shouted and tried to run but Luke blocked her exit.
"Your father was the Jedi Anakin Skywalker."
"Yes, and you SLAUGHTERED him!" She said and unsheathed the lightsaber that rested between her legs. It was her master's neon green blade, which was gifted to her when she completed her Jedi trials. Luke and Vader both unsheathed their blood red lightsabers and they were locked in a standoff.
"I am Anakin Skywalker, I am your father." He said and stepped towards her while Luke blocked the entrance to the hanger.
"LIES! You killed him in the Jedi Purge!" She said and attacked him with her blade. He easily defended and attacked her too forcing her back away from her jet.
"Search your feelings, feel the force, you know it's true." He told her as he advanced on her, forcing her against a blocked alcove. She was trapped.
"No! You're a dirty liar!" She said and swung at him, her blade humming menacingly. He couldn't be her father. And even if he was, he committed mass genocide, he was evil. He hurt her people, and destroyed so many planets. He was evil, and she hated him. She wanted to hate him. She needed to hate him. She had to hate him. Blood wouldn't change anything. With hate clouding her mind she used everything she had to force Vader back and advance towards Luke.
"Good. Use your hate, feel your anger, it gives you power. It will guide you." Vader breathed and she growled with frustration.
"SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" She yelled at him and landed a powerful kick that forced him to fall back out of sight on the bottom deck. After confirming that he was out of the way, she turned her attention back to Luke, her "twin", who was grinning back at her.
"You use your anger well sister, but it's directed at the wrong side. Join us, your family, your brother and father, on the dark side. Your talents wouldn't be wasted as a Jedi, but instead you would train to become a sith with me." He persuaded but her anger caused his speech to fall on deaf ears.
"I WILL NEVER JOIN YOU!" She raged at him and swung at him but he deflected.
"Come on leia, sister, you know you want to. We can be together as we should have been. We can be whole once more. Join us. The dark is better than the light. We have more liberties than the Jedi, we don't judge or condemn like they do. Leia you aren't stupid, join us, and together we can rule the galaxy!" He tried once more, and this time she contemplated the message.
If she became a sith, she could wipe out the remaining Jedi, destroy the alliance, she would end the war. She would be powerful, she would have the family she always wanted. She could have a family, she didn't need to vow celibacy anymore. She would be free to do whatever she wanted. It was tempting, it was a great deal and she should take-No. no. It was the easy way, not the right way out of things. She couldn't do that to her masters, and to the family and planet that raised her. What about all the Jedi that were slain for no reason? All the younglings, past and present, that were slain due to their high midichlorian count and great potential? It wasn't fair to them. They depended on her. She needed to resist the temptation because it was wrong to give in.
"No! I won't! It's wrong! You're wrong! This is evil, this isn't the right way!"
"So what? It's easy. So what if it's not right and good, life isn't fair and good. Better to whip than get whipped, why do you care so much about something that won't affect you?"
"Because it affects others! I have power that they don't have, and it's my responsibility to use it for good and not evil. Their lives depend upon me, I cannot let them down!" She told him and they continued to battle, red blade connecting with green.
"I think you should reconsider." Vader said while stepping out of the shadows. Leia turned towards him in surprise which allowed liked to kick her against the wall. The goal was to knock her out, they wanted her to turn.
"I will never!" She argued while getting back up but stumbling around. She probably had a concussion but oh well.
"Maybe not now, but never is a long time, I'm sure in time you will crack, and you will see the error in which side you chose." He said menacingly and he and Luke advanced upon her. She struggled to hold off two attackers at once, and it didn't take long for Vader to land a blow to her head with the hilt of his saber which knocked her out for good.
And that was when the evening went from worse to absolute shit.

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