I'm starting to contain the love between my veins
Leaving you in the past for stomping my heart
I warned you I was fragile
You said you didn't care
I took that as you loved me
I was so completely wrong
Now I know that when you said you didn't care
You meant that you were going to keep me as long as you could
No, that's not it
You meant that you were going to keep me as long as you wanted to
And both of those words make it a different meaning
Meanings that could break me into two
I didn't know that before
God, why was I so naive?
But now I knew better
And I just wanted to leave
I was a coward
I could've broken you, ripped you into pieces
Instead I let you break me
At first I was lost and the veins on my wrist I was trying to cut
But I'm containing the love that I had
I'm okay now, I can finally try to breathe
From that stupid hold you had over me
I'm beginning to feel free
And my heart?
My heart no longer feels like it's being smashed by a sledgehammer
Stories To Tell
Ficción GeneralShort stories/poems I write here and there, hope you enjoy. I decided to give this a shot and do something with my time.