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Beep, beep, beep.

This time it wasn't the sound of the monitor I was so used to; it was my alarm. I jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I quickly made my way to the shower but something caught my eye. As I looked in the mirror standing in the corner behind me was Zaria! I turned and.. She was gone. Just like that.

"It's far too early" I mumbled to myself as I turned on and climbed into the shower. The house was freezing which was unusual for a normally warm - well, roasting - home. I thought nothing of it as I turned on the water until it became hot enough. I stood under the water as it pounded my face and body. I felt out of breath as the steam surrounded and engulfed my body. As I came out I noticed something. The exact same mirror had steamed up and there, clear as the light of day, was writing scrawled upon it saying "save me". I ran my fingers across the glass and it came away. It was real but I wasn't the type to be easily freaked out. It was probably dad after all... But the door was locked...

As I came down the stairs after I got dressed, I began to realise how quiet it was. My dad had already left for work so I made myself toast as usual, left the house and locked the door behind me. I had to walk to the end of the street so I can get on the bus to take us to the other school. Our school had beed badly damaged by the fire and was still being renovated in the worst hit parts. I had seen this school before. It was a very gloomy looking building that seemed to look more like a prison rather than a suburban school. I began to realise my breath was becoming very quick and short. I was nervous again. Feeling panicky and contemplating going back home, the bus arrives right on cue.

The whole day was dragging on. I was dreading every class like I was gonna get dragged across rocks and broken glass but I knew it would be worth it. I walked throught the school like I wasn't there. I felt so much more out of place here than I did in the other school. Perhaps it was because I had no other friends except the one special girl who wasn't here. Even when I walked through the canteen at lunch, groups of people would part to let me through, as if I had some kind of contagious disease. I had a feeling, just a wee gut instinct, that Zaria was worth the waiting, the torturous classes and the people. I hate people. Zaria's not too keen either. I smiled to myself. Zaria and I have a lot more in common than I thought.

I was released from Prison and I could hardly contain my excitement but I tried my hardest. I sat at the back of the bus with my hood up and a smile across my face as my phone buzzed in my pocket. it was dad texting me to tell me to stop by the house on my way to the hospital. I texted him back and sighed. I wanted to go straight there. What if I missed something important? It felt like I had to go straight away but then again, if dad wants me then that must be important too... Family is more important than friends after all...

I walked quickly to avoid being stopped by nosy neighbours and to save as much time as possible. I got to the door and it began to rain. I stepped quietly into the hall and walked slowly towards the partially open living room door as I could hear a very familiar voice. I couldn't quite put m finger on who it was though. It was clearly someone I had wanted to forget. I opened the door to the worst person I could have imagined sitting there, on my sofa, in my house, in a totally different country. 

"Look who came to visit you!" My dad said as if he were proud.

"Hey Sara. I thought I'd come visit seeing as you never wrote or even emailed me." The ghastly figure stood up and smiled a smile I used to love.

"We split up, Ewan. How could you even think of.." My dad interrupted before I could argue further.

"I guess I should leave you two alone to talk.."

"No! I don't want to talk to him nor do I ever. Show him the door!" I turned on my heel and walked out the door. I hated my dad for even suggesting talking. Me and Ewan had split up a few days before I moved away. I left him because the relationship wasn't going anywhere. It just felt like a drag having him to be honest; always texting and calling and emailing and coming to my door. I hated it. I hated him. I hate him.

I was so caught up in my angry thoughts that I almost missed the bus to the hospital. I got on and sat down in my usual seat up the back by the window. I was the only passenger on this freezing bus. I turned my head and looked out the window and got a massive fright. There, written in the condensation on the window caused by the rain outside, were two words; "Too late". I quickly realised that whatever this writing was, it was unnatural and I also realised that the writing had a significant meaning. I rubbed it away mostly due to the fact that it absolutely terrified me.

I reached Zaria's room to be greeted with an empty bed. I smiled; amazed. She was awake. I knew she would be. I turned and came face to face with her Gran.

"Where... where is she?" Her Gran said quietly to the Nurse who arrived shortly behind us.

"She's been taken to another room, sorry." She smiled sweetly as she gestured to another room down the hall. "I'll show you."

We were led to a room not even 5 meters away from the last and she opened the door. There lay on the bed, Zaria. She smiled weakly as her gran rushed to her side.

"I'm okay." She said quietly as her gran started sobbing as she cuddled her tightly then sat on the chair beside her bed, holding her tiny hand. I smiled at how cute they were.

"Would you like a wee tea?" I asked her gran, kindly saying I'll give them some space together. She nodded and I left to find some. I walked to the waiting room I seemed to know all to well and used the tea/coffee machine they had there. One tea with milk and 3 sugars. I'm getting used to her grans preferences already. I took the tea back to the room where Zaria was sitting up and laughing faintly as her gran told her all the stories she had missed. She had told me some of them. Most of them actually. I realise now that without Zaria, her life must have been lonely. Her gran left to go to the loo and we were left ourselves. Zaria smiled at me.

"Sara?" I came closer to hear her better and sat on the chair. "Were you here the whole time?" She looked up at me, her eyes found mine.

"As much as I could be, yes" I smiled at her as she tried to sit up higher. "Don't strain yourself" I laughed lightly as she winced and I helped her up.

"Why?" she asked timidly.

"Because you're my best friend" I said as I took her hand in mine and she wrapped her fingers around my palm.

"Thank you" she said as she closed her eyes.

"Anytime" I laughed under my breath.

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