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Weeks had flown past. I couldn't hold on to the days long enough. I spent them all with Zaria. If I wasn't in school I'd be at the hospital helping Zaria and her gran as best as I could. Her gran needed a lot of moral support because - besides the one cat - she had little to nothing without Zaria. I don't really know what my feelings are for Zaria; I had never even considered any feelings at all actually. All I know is that I care about her, I want her to be safe and happy and, whatever it is, I love her. The meaning still stays the same whether in friendship or whatever else. The days kept flying in and Zaria was getting better by the minute. She could even walk now. Well, not very well, but walking nonetheless. 

The hospital wasn't very busy that night. Everything was quiet in the wards expcept for two girls giggling like idiots. Zaria was trying to walk to the coffee machine and it was a sight for sore eyes. She was a wobbly state after spending so much time in the one position on the hospital bed. It was just down to getting used to it again. I helped her as she waddled across the hall. She would just stop and fall over and I had to help her back up each time. At least she's made of something tougher than glass. 

"Fuck!" She fell once again and I shook my head at her.

"Baby steps, Zaria, baby steps." I said as she muttered yet more intellegent words under her breath and I helped her up again. "Here."

I gave her my hand and she took it as we tried again to make it across the hall which now seemed a mile long. She wobbled more and pretty much almost broke my hand trying to stay on two feet. She laughed quietly at herself as I walked backwards still holding her hand. 

We eventually made it to the room with the coffee machine. Thank god for the chairs because she collapsed into one immediately. I was originally going to have a tea but I decided I'll take a coffee, I'll need it. 

"Can I get a wee tea?" Zaria's timid voice asked.

Don't let her fool you when she's ill, she always gets what she wants. I nodded and after making my coffee I made her tea. I stood sipping it as she sat back in the chair and began playing with her hair.

"When can I get a shower?" She looked up at me with big sad eyes. 

"Your hair's fine." I said as I sat down beside her and handed her her tea and drank some more coffee. My glasses steamed up and I took them off to wipe them. "Most likely they'll let you shower when you can actually stand in one." I giggled at her as she groaned at the thought. Then to my surprise she put her tea down and jumped up. 

"I can stand!!" She shouted as she wobbled about. "Look! See!" She started leaning forward so i stood up and caught her quickly. I grabbed her by the waist and pushed her gently back up to a standing point. She laughed and gripped my shoulders tightly and tried to catch her breath.  We stood there awkwardly for what seemed like in hour. I slowly pulled away from her but keeping a strong grip but she came closer to my face. 

"You look good without your glasses." She said with a smile. "You're eyes are pretty." She came closer. Any closer and she'd be kissing me. I could feel my heart beating off my chest, certain it was hitting hers too. I could feel the heat of a blush spreading across my face as her nose touched mine. She licked her lips and I squinted my eyes to try and see hers but I couldn't. In fact, I couldn't really see her at all. I didn't even know if she had her eyes open or closed but one thing was for sure; her grip had tightened. I swallowed and took a guess at it; I closed my eyes, nudged her face slightly with my nose and kissed her -just one, very soft peck - then moved away only about an inch from her face. She moved her arms around my neck and kissed me this time a bit harder, she pulled my head closer, cupping the back of my neck with her hand and the other one tangled in my hair pulling it lightly and making me gasp a bit which gave her entrance to my mouth. I moaned a little louder than I anticipated. The second her tongue touched mine sent chills down my spine. I was shaking a little and she noticed it; I could feel her mouth smile as she kissed and laughed a bit. I laughed too but it sounded a little bit like a sigh. She slowed down the kiss once she noticed I was gasping for air and pulled away but kept her forehead against mine. Her breath was heavy and as quick as mine. I literally had my breath taken away. She smirked, "God sake Sara, it was only a complement!" She laughed and I did too.

We stumbled back to her room laughing at ourselves awkwardly for what just happened. I helped her get into her bed and she sat up against the pillows. She pulled mo over to sit on the edge of the bed and help my hand. I wasn't all that sure of whether it has her hand that was sweaty or mine. She smiled at me sheepishly and sighed with clear content.

"What is going to happen now?" She asked me quietly with a slightly worried look.

"Whatever you want." I smiled down at her. "What do you want from this?"

"You" She smiled widely and giggled a little. I giggled too.

"You've got me."

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