What..?! | Part 6

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Wyatt's POV

I huffed as I waited for the dumb godforsaken tears to stop running down my cheeks, I was tired of having to hide this stupid secret, and now I even got (Y/N)'s family and friends involved, it's not my fault, if she weren't the great alpha I would've told her in an instant.

But Willa refuses to let me, surprisingly they had become great friends over the course of a year, even though they kind of hated each other at first, and Willa knows if we told (Y/N) she would go out and try to protect everyone- but herself from the problem.

I guess I should tell her anyways, this is the one place Willa wouldn't be listening, and with her family around I wouldn't have to explain it more than once, hopefully. I cleared my throat and looked up at the group, "I guess it wouldn't hurt, anymore than it already has, to tell you now."

I saw (Y/N) visibly become more intrigued and less frustrated, I would've laughed but that seems a little out of place at the moment, "Like I've said before, there's something-someone out there that would die to get to the great alpha, (Y/N), and they live further out in the forbidden forest, somewhere where no human or wolf has ever dared to step..."

(Y/N) sits up all the way and puts her legs on top of her sisters lap, "So you're telling me, there's more mythical creatures out there that would love to get their hands on my sister..?" Addison says not wanting to believe me. I nod, "Yeah."

"But they're so much more dangerous than that, they would kill the whole pack just to get to you, (Y/N), that's why we've been trying to get you to stay in the den. So they wouldn't know you existed, they can't know you exist." I state, worriedly, not wanting to see the whole pack get torn apart.

"Why wouldn't you of just told me!? I would've been so willing to stay in the den if I knew I was risking lives!" (Y/N) shouts, obviously not very happy with me, " I would've told you, (Y/N), I promise, but Willa refused to let me say a word, I'm surprised she didn't shout at me last night for how much I said to you."

She huffs, laying back down on the couch putting her hands on her face, "Now be as serious as you can with me right now, (Y/N), did you see any red eyes last night, it's unusual to see them this shallow into the forest but just be honest with me."

She looks at me surprised, "Red eyes!? What the hell do you mean by red eyes!?" I huff looking around trying to think of a way to explain it, "Wyatt, what the hell are these things!? she shouts at me.

I look her directly in the eyes.

"They're vampires, (Y/N)."


To be continued....

Word count: 4507

We love a good cliffhanger lmao, sorry not sorry.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐁⁃𝐈⁃𝐓⁃𝐄⁃𝐒  ² | 𝕎𝕪𝕒𝕥𝕥 𝕃𝕪𝕜𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕖𝕟  𝕏  ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now