Meeting The Others | Part 13

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(Y/N)'s POV

You sigh as you sit through class, giving your friends glances every now and then, getting on your phone until the teachers would yell at you or threaten to take it away, why were you so anxious? 'Cause next period was your grades one hour lunch, and in the middle of the day you remembered that Andre had told you that he and the rest of his vampire family go to this school.

As the bell rang you quickly got out of your seat and started packing your bag, "Miss Wells! Sit back down the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do!" You huff, sitting back down, not wanting to get into anymore trouble today.

"Then why is the bell there..." you mumble to yourself without thinking about it, the teacher gives you a glare, "What was that, (Y/N)?" you sigh, looking up at her from your seat in the middle of the classroom, "I said, if the bell doesn't dismiss us then why is it there, Mrs. Johnson?" you ask with a spit of venom.

"Now, if you'll excuse me I have a lunch to attend to." You say sarcastically while standing up, grabbing your backpack and heading out, you knew you would probably get detention but whatever.

You walk over to your friends table in the cafeteria, sitting in between Zed and Wyatt, seeing as that was the only spot open, Zed had had football practice last period, so he got out of having that class. "Hey guys! Sorry I'm late, teach was being a douche." you state as you try to grab a French fry from Wyatt's plate, but he only slaps your hand away.

You roll your eyes playfully as you get up to go grab your own tray, accidentally bumping into someone on the way over, "Oh my god, I am so sorry!" you state as you bend down picking up the books that they had dropped.

"Oh, it's fine (Y/N)." a familiar voice says, you look up and you see Andre, "Oh, hey Andre, I had totally forgotten that you went here, no offense." you lie nervously, looking back at your table and seeing that no one had noticed yet, thankfully.

"Anyways I got to go grab some food than head back to my table, it was nice talking to you though." you say, handing him the remainder of his books as you start walking away, you quickly grab your lunch tray and head back over wanting to be in the security of your boyfriends arms.

"Hey! (Y/N)!" you huff a little as you notice Andre waving you over while sitting at a table with what you expected to be the rest off the vampires, you look over and see Wyatt looking at you worriedly, you waved at him and went over to sit with the vampires for a second.

"Hey?" you say as you walk over to the table, Andre motions for you to sit. You glance at your table out of the corner of your eye before sitting down next to Andre and another guy, Andre puts his arm around you and hugs you close to him, you look back to your table, trying to make it obvious, and see a pretty angry Wyatt about to get out of his seat to come over to you, but thankfully Zed calmed him down a little.

"(Y/N), these are my friends and family, my sister Zurie, and our friends Liam, Amelia, Ava and Elijah." they all smiled at you, "Uh, that's really great, Andre, but I kind of need to get back to my table before they start getting all 'needy'."

You laugh as you nervously try to stand up, only to be quickly glued back down to your seat by Andre, "Why don't you sit here, with us for this lunch, and they can have you tomorrow?" you huff as you see Wyatt standing up with no one stopping him.

"I'd really love to, trust me-" you say before being cut off by Liam, "Andre, just let the girl go." he says you give him a grateful smile but even his own friends trying to persuade him wasn't really working.

"Hey, (Y/N), do we have a problem over here?" Wyatt asks from behind you as he pries you from the vampires arms, "Uh- no, no we don't." you say before giving a deathly glare to Andre and grabbing your tray and walking away, giving one last smile to Liam.

You huff as you take your seat next to Zed holding onto Wyatt's hand as you lean into him for comfort, 

Not catching the jealous eyes of Liam watching from behind.


To be continued

Word count: 735

Sorry this ones a bit looooonnggg but oooh drama!

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