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 The French Society had been divided into 3 estates, with the First estate being the rich Roman Catholic clergy, the Second Estate being the wealthy nobility, and the Third Estate being the extremely poor bourgeoisie and peasants. 

King Louis XVI had called the Estates-General to meet on May 15, 1789, at Versailles, which was the King's palace in France. His goal was to raise taxes for the Third Estate so that the country could pay off the debt from helping the American's in the American Revolution, all the deficit spending by them, and the extravagant expenses that King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette had made. 

The Third Estate was very angry at this because they were already way too poor to afford food and anything, really. The Third Estate renamed themselves to the National Assembly on June 17, 1789, and they demanded to have more power and they vowed to have a fair constitution. The National Assembly met in an indoor tennis court and swore an oath that they had named the Tennis Court Oath, which was an oath to never stop meeting until the King met the demands of the National Assembly. 

The King tried to stop the National Assembly which led to a mob who attempted and succeeded in overtaking the Bastille to steal its weapons. This led to the Great Fear in July of 1789 - a peasant revolt where they attacked landlords. On August 26, 1789, the National Assembly adopted the Declaration of Rights of Man. 

Eventually, on July 20, 1791, King Louis XVI was arrested for trying to escape France and abandon the people that he had put through suffering. On September 3 of 1792, the first meeting of the National Convention was held. 

Fast forward to January 20, 1793, where Wilbur Soot has landed, one day before King Louis XVI will be sentenced to the death penalty on the guillotine.


a/n: keep in mind that i can't changed a thing since i wrote this for school, so some of these facts i could have slightly misinterpreted because i was still only learning about it. but, it should be basically accurate.

word count: 363 words

wilbur soot and the french revolutionWhere stories live. Discover now