wilbur soot and the french revolution

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Wilbur Soot sighed. It was just another ordinary day playing Minecraft VR with one of his best friends, TommyInnit. Wilbur and Tommy both had just ended their Twitch livestreams and decided to try out their new VR headsets by playing Minecraft together. Wilbur had felt a little bit lightheaded but he ignored it, thinking it was just from a long day of streaming. He and Tommy were testing out how mining worked with their new technology when Wilbur stumbled upon a cave.

"Tommy," Wilbur cried. "I found a cave! There are diamonds here too!"

Tommy stifled a gasp of excitement and quickly joined where Wilbur had discovered all of the precious ores. Wilbur had just started to mine the diamonds when his head started to throb a little. He took his real hand and rubbed the back of his head, zoning out.

Tommy looked over and Wilbur in-game, and asked him, "Hey man, are you alright? You stopped talking Wil, and you've been acting a bit strange today."

Wilbur snapped back into reality and realized that Tommy was staring at him. "Oh, uh," Wilbur stuttered. His head was really starting to hurt now, but he didn't want Tommy to know and worry about him.

Wilbur was about to respond to Tommy when he began to mine downwards to multitask. Wilbur choked when he realized that there was nothing under him, and he fell towards the endless sea of darkness. The block he mined led to an oasis of nothing, and Wilbur fell, hearing the yells of Tommy from his headset. As Wilbur was descending into the nothingness below, he faded out of consciousness.


As Wilbur came to, he noticed that his headset was missing and that Tommy was nowhere to be seen. Wilbur sat up and looked at his surroundings.

This definitely wasn't right.

He looked around and saw that he was sitting in front of a shop. Wilbur stood up and walked into the building.

"Excuse me," Wilbur questioned the man at the front. "Where am I?"

The shop owner glanced up at Wilbur and lazily answered, "This is a shop about a mile outside of Versailles. Shouldn't you have known where you are?"

Wilbur gasped and nervously asked, "What year is it?"

The answer blew him away.

"It's 1793. Tomorrow King Louis XVI will be executed on the guillotine if that helps you. Why wouldn't you know that?"

Wilbur hurriedly said thank you and left in a dash. He found a corner outside in an abandoned-looking alleyway and collected his thoughts.

I must be in the middle of the French Revolution! How is that even possible? Where is Tommy? What do I even remember about the French Revolution? I remember that they don't say names like "Mr." or "Mrs." and I'm pretty sure they say "citizen" instead. That shop person mentioned that tomorrow they are executing the King on the guillotine tomorrow. I guess that means Marie Antoinette will be beheaded later on in the year too. I should find a place to stay for the night and watch the execution tomorrow.

So with that Wilbur decided to stay the night in the alleyway and watch the executions the next day.

After all, if he was stuck in the French Revolution he may as well experience it, right?


Wilbur woke up hungry and with the sun beaming on his face. Wilbur scavenged around the streets for money and found enough coins to buy an apple.

"Excuse me," Wilbur smiled. "I'd like to buy this apple!"

The man running the nearby apple stand glanced Wilbur up and down. He must've thought Wilbur looked rather insane with the clothing he was wearing.

"Uhm, sure. Here's your apple, citizen."

Wilbur crunched down on his apple, letting the sweet juice dribbling down his cheek. He wiped it off of his cheeks and started to make his way to the town square, where he could see the guillotine and an executioner waiting on the top of it. As Wilbur shoved the apple core into his pocket, he saw a group of drummers placed near the stand and acted as guards stopping the citizens from coming too close as well as just playing their drum pieces for the crowd.

A masked man suddenly walked through the crowd dragging a man which Wilbur assumed was King Louis XVI and brought him up to the guillotine stand. As King Louis XVI was being strapped to the death instrument, he proclaimed, "My people, I die innocent!" Then, turning towards the masked executioner, the King cried, "My people, I assure you that I am innocent of the acts of crime that you accuse me of!"

The King tried to say more but the drummers banged on their drums so loud that it drowned out any sound that would've come out of the King's mouth. Even the crowd, who were all yelling and stringing streams of profanities were nearly unheard.

Everyone finally calmed and quieted down eventually, and the executioner declared the acts of treason the King had committed. The masked man was nearly about to do the dreaded deed when Wilbur heard somebody cry, "NO!"

Wilbur looked around to see everyone's eyes on him, and that when he realized the worst.

Wilbur was the one who screamed for them to stop. He didn't know why he did it or what came over him, but his guess was that since he wasn't used to such violence, he couldn't watch and instinctively had shouted in a panic.

The executioner quickly screamed for the police to capture Wilbur, and Wilbur panicked and ran as fast as he could. As the police were chasing him, he could hear the King's head being chopped off by the guillotine and the roaring cheers of the crowd.

As the police chased Wilbur down, he tripped on a loose stone and fell onto the ground. He saw black spots start to dance in his vision again, and he passed out once again, drifting into a world of darkness.


When Wilbur came to, he noticed that his headset was back on his head, and Tommy was yelling his name into his ears.

"WILBUR!" Tommy sounded extremely worried as Wilbur heard him shout his name.

"Tommy.....?" Wilbur sat up in a daze, his head pounding again.

Wilbur heard Tommy sigh in relief. "Wil! You passed out and I was so worried because when you were out you were mumbling about the French Revolution and sounded panicky and screamed for someone to stop and-"

Wilbur cut him off. "Oh, Tommy. I didn't mean to scare you, I think I passed out from heatstroke. It's very hot in my room and I haven't drank any water today. I am so sorry!"

Wilbur could hear the ease return in Tommy's voice. "It's totally okay, I was just super worried for you! What on Earth were you mumbling about, anyways?"

Wilbur smiled to himself, remembering what had happened in his dream. He was about to respond when he felt a lump in his pocket, and what he pulled out shocked him.

It was the apple core that he ate before the execution.

Wilbur quickly responded to Tommy saying, "Oh, it was nothing. Just a bad dream I suppose." and he smiled to himself.


hello, that was my school assignment lol.

i had to alter a few sentences that i didn't like (aka 2 lol) and i had to finish one sentence because SOMEHOW I FORGOT TO FINISH IT AND TURN IT IN WITH AN UNFINISHED SENTENCE HAHA.

anyways, thats the end of that, hope you enjoyed that weird little fic.

word count: 1267 words

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