Chapter 10: Date With Keaton Pt 2

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Keaton's POV & Thought's

I was taking Gianna to a beach. I don't remember what its called. I have a picnic set up with a checkered blanket. We were walking out of the lobby when all these girls come out of no where. Well damn. Soon bodyguards came and blocked all the girls. The car was just outside so we didn't need to walk far. And of course the paparazzi were there too. God they are like fucking ninjas! Wow I'm weird. Anyways we were about to get in when someone grabbed Gianna. "KEATON!! KEATON!! HELP ME!! GET THE GUYS NOW!! I'LL PROTECT MY SELFF!" Then I couldn't hear her anymore. I need to call Wes or Drew. (Keaton: BabyBro♥ Wes: BBro♥ Drew: DDawg Magcon: There names. Don't question the names I randomly typed them in and don't feel like changing It)

BBro♥: Hello


BBro♥: Wait what!! When!?!

BabyBro♥: Like a few mins ago. Idk what to do I'm stressing out bro. Wait are you still at the hotel?

BBro♥: Yeah me and Drew are chillin with the guys and girls. Why??

BabyBro♥: Dude you need to tell Shawn and the rest of them. There family to her

BBro♥: Okay hold on I'll put you on speaker. Okay talk

BabyBro♥: Well ummmm..... when we we're about to get in the car someone... Ummmm... Took Gianna...

Shawn and Sam: THEY WHAT!

BabyBro♥: Well it was only one person

Shawn: Did you get a good look at the person?

BabyBro♥: No not really all I know is that he had blonde hair,a wavy supply sweatshirt, and some sweats

Shawn: Fuck. What you just described is Gianna's ex boyfriend,Kayden Stephenson. He said when they broke up that this isn't the last time you see me. So this is his what he meant

Sam,Keaton,Wes, and Drew: Well what are we gonna do?

Shawn: Well we really can't do anything because he said if we try to do anything he will kill Gianna

Keaton: Wait whoa whoa whoa Shawn you knew this was gonna happen??

Shawn: Not really all I knew is that he was gonna come back for her. I just didn't know when because he said this 3yrs ago

Keaton: Oh.... Then what are we gonna do on the mean time?

Taylor: We could play truth or dare in our room

Everyone: No Taylor No

Drew: We'll figure it out when you get here Keaton

Keaton: Okay bye

Everyone: Byee and we'll be in the hall waiting!!

**End of Conversation**

Gianna's POV & Thought's

I woke up to being chained to a bed. What the fuck!

"What do you want?!?!" "I want you." The door opened and there is................





...... My ex boyfriend Kayden Stephenson. Oh god.. "Kayden... I need to tell you something." He came over ad sat down. "Before you talk I.... Ummmm still love you." Kayden said "I love you 2. Now that I've seen you I could help but think of the first time I met you. Now back to what I was gonna say wait nvm it's not important..." "Babe tell me." "Fine. When you broke up with me I couldn't stop thinking about you. I cried and cried everyday and even cried myself to sleep. You never came. You never even talked to me. I started cutting because I wasn't with you."

A tear rolled down my face. "Then one day my grandpa passed away. I was gonna call you but then I remembered I wasn't with you anymore. You would always come over and cheer me up but no that would never happen. I never left my room and I never went to school. I started online school. One day I was doing online school and noticed a picture of you and me. I took it and smashed it. I got rid of everything that reminded me of you. But some of the things I kept in a little box in my closet. I still have it. Then one day I woke up happy. I started fresh.

I stopped cutting. I finally left my room. I started making YouTube videos. I started vine. I even got a make over and new clothes. Then I started getting famous and going on tour. I made sooooo many new friends. And here I am now chained to a bed. Not something I would enjoy. Haha. But could you unlock the chains they really hurt." "Yeah sure." He unlocked them and I rubbed my wrists. "Wait where are we??" "In my house my parents bought me." "Oh. Can we leave so I can show Shawn I'm still alive." "Haha yeah."

Kayden got up and put his hand out. I grabbed his hand and felt sparks. Anyways I got up. "Can I borrow a pair of shoes so I don't have to wear these heals." "Yeah here." He handed me a pair of girl Jordan's. "Wait why do you have girl Jordan's??" "Because there my mom's." "Oh.. Well leggo." We left the house and got in his blue camaro. Then we left to the hotel.


Hope you like this chapter. And if you do please give it a vote it would help a lot. Also share that would also help a lot. Well byee!! Love you guys!!

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