Chapter 11: Love Him or Hate Him?

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June 5th @ 9:30pm

Shawn's POV

I was in my room when I got a call from Jacob.

JacobbW: Dude you need to come to the girls room like asap!

ShawnnM: Why?! Is my sister there!?!

JacobbW: Just get here and see! Byee

ShawnnM: Bye

I quickly ran to the girls room to see Gianna there. She was talking with Gi,Alex,Mahogany,Andrea,Jenn and Jacob. Once she saw me she ran and jumped on me giving me a huge hug. "I love you.." She whispered "I love you.." I whispered back I wrapped my arms around her waist and squeezed a bit. "Shawn I'm not a stress ball." She whispered laughing a bit "Yeah i know I just missed you." I whispered back "I missed you too but I haven't been gone for long." "3 and a half hrs is long for me."

"Yeah okay whatever you say Shawn. Since I've apparently been gone for a while why don't we watch movies and cuddle?" "Yesss!" "Okay jeez. But first I need to say hi to the rest of the guys. So let go of me." I let her go and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. I'm so happy I get to hang with my sister. (Awwwww Shawn)

Gianna's POV

We finally got to the hotel which wasn't that long. I got out and so did Kayden. "Kayden I think you should stay here cause who knows what Shawn would do to you and I don't want to see you hurt." "Okay but what am I gonna do??" "Idk and Idc just don't come inside." "K. Bye I guess." "Bye." I closed the door and walked inside. I forgot to say Bart rented the whole 8th floor for us. It's awesome asf. Anyways I walked to the elevator and pressed the 8 button. A long boring 5mins later I finally reached floor 8. Yay! Anyways I walked to my door and knocked. Remember all of our doors our connected. The door opened to see Jacob. "OMG!" Jacob Then he just hugged me. We'll damn.

"Hey Lil Whitesides." "Heyy baby Mendes." "Really that's the best you've got Jacob." "That's the only thing that popped in my head." "Wow your sad Jacob. But I still miss my best friend." "I missed you to bestie." "Now I need to say hi to my girls." "Yeah yeah go on." He let go of me and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then I walk over to Andrea,Jenn,Alex,Mahogany, and Gi.

"Hey guys." They turned to me and screamed. They all ran over to me and gave me a hug almost making me fall over. "We missed you!!" "I haven't been gone for that long. But I missed you guys 2. So what have you guys been doing??" "Well after Keaton called us and said someone took you we started talking about what we were gonna do. Then Taylor being Taylor-." Mahogany said "Let me guess he wanted to play truth or dare didn't he." "Yeah." "Man what is up with him and Truth or Dare?" "That's funny because Cam,Carter, and Aaron said the same thing right after we hung up." "See i know these boys better than you!"

"At least you don't have to live with some of them, but I still love them. Even though they're annoying." Mahogany said "Awwww love you too!" Jacob said hugging Mahogany "#JOXX MOMENT!" Me,Andrea,Jenn,Alex and Gi said while doing the # sign I desided to change into something more comfortable which is galaxy leggings,a Shawn Mendes sweatshirt,pink sports bra,gray uggs, and some Trevor Moran socks.

Then I brushed my hair and put it in a French braid. Then I took a makeup remover wipe and wiped my makeup off. Then I applied some mascara,liquid eye liner(Winged), and some brown eye shadow. Me and the girls talked while Jacob well idk where Jacob is. Oh well. "You don't just go up to someone and kiss them. What if they don't kiss back. Or what if they do." Mahogany said "Well it's easy actually. I do it. Watch and learn." Jacob walked back and I went over to him and kissed him. He kissed back instantly. Well okay? We had a make out session. Oops. We stopped kissing and just looked at each other. I turned around and walked towards the girls. "See it works."

"Yeah because your you. Every guy loves you. Well maybe not every guy but yeah." Mahogany said "Awwww thanks I think." We started talking again but Shawn walked in. I turned around and jumped on him. I gave him one of the biggest hugs ever. He wrapped his hand around my wasit and squeezed a bit.

"Shawn I'm not a stress ball." i whispered laughing a bit "Yeah i know I just missed you." He whispered back "I missed you too but I haven't been gone for long." "3 and a half hrs is long for me." "Yeah okay whatever you say Shawn. Since I've apparently been gone for a while why don't we watch movies and cuddle?" "Yesss!" "Okay jeez. But first I need to say hi to the rest of the guys. So let go of me." He let me go and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Jacob go get the other guys and tell them you have a surprise for them." "K." I got bored and plugged my phone to the speakers and put on Bucket List by Wesley Stromberg ft. Jack & Jack. Jacob came back but the boys weren't with him.

They should e coming in 5...4...3...2...1 now. Exactly on time wow. They all just stood there staring at me. "Well are you guys gonna give me a hug or just stand there like you've just met your crush." I said laughing a bit. Then they all ran towards me and pretty much tackled me. "WE MISSED YOUUU!!" They said "Well no fucking duh. But I can't breath right now so get the fuck off of me." They all got off of me. "Yasss I breath air now instead of cologne,sweat, and deodorant. No affence." "NOW INDIVIDUAL HUGSS!" They all yelled "Guys your gonna make me fucking deaf. I'm standing right fucking front of you. So calm dafuq down."

"Someone is on their period." Cam said "Rule number 1 about girls don't talk about periods unless you wanna get slapped right there right now. Got it Cameron?" "Yeah okayy....."  I slapped him oops. "OMG I'm so sorry Cam. I wasn't thinking." Why the fuck did I just say what Jack said wh-. Wait I forgot to say sorry to him. "Gilinsky come here for a sec." I said pulling him to the other room "K. So what's up Gianna." "Remember the day you were fighting with Jack??" "Yeah why?" "Well for one I said what you said after I slapped Cam. Well not everything you said but you get the point. And two I forgot to say sorry for attacking and punching you. Will you forgive me??"

"Only if we get the hang out just me and you." "Well it can't be tonight because I'm hanging with Shawn. But I'll hang with you all day tomorrow. K?" "Kk. Then I forgive you." "And you have to promise me to never fight with Jack again. Wait why were you guys fighting anyways??" "Honestly I have no idea we just started talking then we started fighting." "Well that's ummmm.. Sad." "We should go back because they probably think somethings up..." "Yeah but we could mess with them." "But what about Gianna." "I'll tell her when we get in there." "Okay are we both telling her? And how should we start off??" " Yeah i guess. And holding hands duh." " Okay and oh lord. Also i have cameras in all of our rooms."
"That's creepy but at least we don't have to record." "Yeah I guess." We held hands and walked out. Everyone looked at us including Gi. This is gonna be fun. We walked over to Gi and grabbed her pulling her to the room we were just in. "What the fuck is going on." "Well we desided to mess with the guys but you guys sort of have to break up.." "One fun. Two ugh. But why??" "Because messing with the guys involves me and Jack sort of dating.." "But I can't live without Jack. But fine just for this." "Yay!! Now I'm gonna leave and you guys think of something to fight about. Okay?" "Yeah okay." They said

"Good now goodbye." "Goodbye." I walked out and walked to Shawn. "Now is it time to watch movies and cuddle?" I said smiling "Yess!" "Jeez. Now onward brotha." I said jumping on his back Everyone just laughed. "Shhhh! Were trying to watch a movie!" "But-." Carter said but I cut him off "Dont speak nigga." Everyone bursted out laughing including me and Shawn. "Okay now that you've gotten all of the stupidness out, shut the fuck up. Goodbye love ya!" "Love you too!" They yell

Shawn walked to his room and got down from him. "So what do ya wanna watch Shawny??" "I have no clue but I think this seems boring with just us. Am I right?" "Yeah hold on one sec. Guysss!!" They all ran in the room. "What?" "Wanna watch a movie with us?" "I'd thought you'd never ask." They said "Guys where is Jack and Gianna??" "Idk they never came out of the room yet." Cam said "Well I'll go check on them."

I got up and went to the room their in. "Did you guys think of anything??" "No." "Well think fucking harder. Wait I might have something. Okay I'll leave and wait 5mins. Start fighting about you seeing pictures of Jack kissing another girl,which is me." I said flipping my hair "Anyways if we want the guys to believe were actually dating well we sort of... Don't make me say it." "Oh that.... Well I'm only allowing you to do it because I love you and your my bestie. Plus your really good at pranks." "Yeah ik I am." I said high 5ing Gi-Marie

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