Chapter 6: Gilinsky and Franta Girlfriends

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A/N If u don't know who Connor is he is the person standing next 2 Jc & Kian with the Obey shirts on. And the song is Like That by Jack & Jack so proud of them and I love there new songs 1 is of course Groove & the other 1 is Right Where You Are. This Chapter is dedicated to little_angel65 & Mrs_Magcon199 . little_angel65 is Connor's gf her name is Alex & Mrs_Magcon199 her name is Gianna in the story she is Gi and she is Gilinsky's gf. Congrats u 2. And I just remembered that I gave someone my phone in the story. So pretend I already got it on video and had my phone the whole time with Austin ok thank you bye. Also I forgot Jack & Jack's new song Cheat Codes ft. Emblem3

May 30th

Shawn's POV & Thought's

OMG where is Gianna I haven't seen her in 5hrs (yasss I've made my self gone that long) If she got hurt I'm gonna kill someone. "Shawn are you ok??" Mahogany asked "No my sister is missing or something like that. And she hasn't even called me or texted!!" I said "It's ok Shawn we will find her hopefully before Magcon starts." Ik you guys are saying what yes she was invited to magcon but I didn't tell her yet. "Hopefully cause I might have not even told her that she was invited to magcon....." "What!!" Everybody yells "Well sorry I just forgot till now." "I think I'll call her." Mahogany said

Mahogany's POV & Thought's

Man I fell bad for Shawn especially since he doesn't know where his sister is. I mean if that was my sister I would be going insane right now. So I had this idea I would call her. "I think I'm gonna call her." I said a I picked up my phone and called her

(Gianna: Bestie♥♥ Mahogany: Bestie For Life!)

*****Start of conversation*****

Bestie♥♥: Hello

Bestie For Life!: OMG Gianna where are you!

Bestie♥♥: Didn't you guys see my tweet *Screams*

Bestie For Life!: Wtf was that for & what tweet

Bestie♥♥: Just look at it I mean Shawn has his notifications on for me at least I think & I'm watching Scary Movie

Bestie For Life!: Oh ok. Well I'll look

Bestie♥♥: Wait am I on speaker??

Bestie For Life!: Yeah why

Bestie♥♥: Just wondering

Bestie For Life!:Damn girl when did you meet them

Bestie♥♥: Like at 12 why

Bestie For Life!: Cause they are adorable

Bestie♥♥: Yeah ikr wait is everyone in there including O2L??

Bestie For Life!: Yeah why oh nevermind

Bestie♥♥: Yeah. So why did you call me earlier I would of answered

Bestie For Life!: Idk we were to worried we weren't thinking straight

Bestie♥♥: Well no duh. What were you guys doing anyway?? Wait nevermind ik

Bestie For Life!: Oh by the way you are invited to Magcon


Bestie For Life!: Damn girl calm down. Shawn forgot till like a few minutes ago

Bestie♥♥: If I was there right now I'd smack Shawn right now. Thanks a lot Shawn

Bestie For Life!: Hey it's not my fault Shawn said

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