Chapter 7 ちゃpてr 7

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"Later on, Himari woke up and she's shocked because she didn't expect to see me there besides her, waiting her to wake up and thinking if she's just okay. She tries to stand up, but I stop her immediately because she's still recovering after that incident"

Toshi: Don't push yourself. Besides, it's all my fault, that's why it end up like this. I'm sorry...

Himari: Don't be sorry, Toshi. I understand. "She smiles even though she's feeling weak. She tries to smile to make me happy. She's still kind and she cares for me"

Sakura: I should be going now, guys. There's something I need to do.
See ya! "She walks away and closes the door"

Himari: So, how are you?

Toshi: You're saying my lines again. That's what I need to ask you.

Himari: I don't care. I wanna know if you're okay.

Toshi: Why don't you ask yourself if you're okay instead of taking care of someone that you don't even need to take care of?

Himari: Because...You saved me, that's why it's my turn to take care of you. What are friends for? Hehe! Right?

Toshi: Hima-Chan..."I hug her tightly" -Be careful next time...I don't want you to get hurt again because I don't know if I can protect you...

Sayori (Nurse): Excuse me, Toshi. Can I borrow Himari for a moment? I have important things to tell her.

Toshi: O-Okay, sure. I'm just waiting for you outside if you need me, Hima-Chan. "I open the door and went outside and then I gently closes it"

Himari: What is it, Ms. Sayori?

Sayori (Nurse): I saw your Test Result why you suddenly passed out like that and...

Himari: And?

Sayori (Nurse): It's not normal...

Himari: W-What do you mean, Ms. Sayori?

Sayori (Nurse): Himari...You have a dangerous illness last month ago. Why didn't you tell me about this?

Himari: Huh? W-What are you saying? What illness is it?

Sayori (Nurse): It is inside your body...At the top of your head...You had a Brain Cancer...

Himari: W-What?! That can't be true...
"Sayori was supposed to tell her something, but Himari suddenly ran outside the Clinic and I notices her tears falls into her cheeks. What just happened to Himari? Did Ms. Sayori said something bad to her?"

Toshi: Hima-Chan! Wait up!

Sayori (Nurse): Toshi, let her be...

Toshi: What did you just said?

Sayori (Nurse): N-Nothing...I just comfort her.

Toshi: Are you sure? Looks like Himari just ran away from you.

Sayori (Nurse): Maybe she just can't understand what I'm saying. You know, hard times.

                    "After School"

Toshi: Hima-Chan! Wait!

Himari: T-Toshi?

Toshi: Are you okay? Please, tell me you're okay.

Himari: I-I'm okay, you know. Haha! Why are you asking me that?

Toshi: You sure?

Himari: Of course! Why wouldn't I be? "She looks at me sadly" - Why?
"I didn't answer her question and just suddenly hug her"

Toshi: Do you promise me to always be careful?

Himari: Toshi...Y-Yes, of course. I promise. You know, I should have go home now. Mom will probably get mad at me again. You always know that she doesn't want me and you hanging out together.

Toshi: You're right. "I watch her walk away while waving her hand to me that it means she's saying goodbye"

                       "At Home"

Dad: What do you want me to do?!

Mom: I just want you to listen to me!

Dad: Listen to you?! You're always saying that I'm always wrong and you're always right! When I'm making a little mistake, you're going to beat me up easily! That's what you do, right?! Then you're giving me an order to listen to you?! What am I?! An idiot?! I will listen to you and then later, I'll get beat up again?! *Scoffs* You're so right, Shizuka...

Mom: I-I-I can explain...I-I'm sorry----

Dad: Sorry for what?! For everything you've done?! Well, you're too late for that because I'm leaving right now!

Toshi: *Gasps* D-Dad...

Mom: Toshi?! W-What are you doing here?!

Toshi: I-I just came home. What's going on? Why would Dad need to go?

Mom: *Sniffs* Now, tell him! Tell him, Toshiba! Why do you need to go, huh?! To leave us here?! What about us?! We're your family! Don't you love us?! Just think first! *Sniffs* Please...I'm very sorry for what I've done...Please let me apologize and change everything just this day...I've done all of that because I love you...I've saw last week that you're proposing to a girl because I stalk you that day and I wonder what you were doing there...I thought you love us...I thought you love me with all your heart...Our happy moments...Our unforgettable moments...Our family bonding...All of that will just tear apart into pieces like the way you break my heart...Because you're leaving us here! And you're going to come with----

Dad: I'm not going to come with her!
She' sister. The ring I've gave her was from my friend. He's too shy to give it to her, that's why I'm the one who did all of that. I didn't tell you about that because I thought you weren't there. But why did you kept that a secret? I thought we promised to each other that we'll never keep a secret from each other. Why, Shizuka?

Mom: Because I thought she's your girlfriend. And I thought if I told you about that, you're going to be mad at me.

Dad: Why would I be mad at you? Like I said, we promised to each other that we'll never keep a secret to each other, so that it's okay. I'm not going to be mad at you no matter what is it as long as it's the truth.

Mom: I'm sorry, Toshiba...Please don't leave...I don't know what to do without you in my life..."She hugs Dad very tightly"

Dad: I will never leave because I promised that I will love you and Toshi will all my heart...I love you, Shizuka, Toshi...

Toshi: Dad..."I quickly hug Dad"

Shizuka: You promise me to never do that again!

Dad: O-Of course! But you need to promise me too that you will never beat me up again.

Shizuka: Pinky promise~ Hehehe!

-To Be Continued! ♡

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