Chapter 8 ちゃpてr 8

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Sakura's POV

"Oh no, oh no, oh no! How am I suppose to escape from this old man?! I wish he didn't notice me from stealing his expensive money. My life sucks! I hope Ichika was here to help me throw that man away from me. Or I can imagine bumping into Ichika. Hehe!"

Man: Come back here, you little pickpocket boy! "Eh?! Did he just call me a boy?! Is he an idiot to call me like that?! I'm not a boy. I'm just like this because my hair is short and my chest...uh...Ugh! This old man is really annoying and getting my nerves high!"

Man: I said stop right there!

Sakura: Shut up, old man!

Man: What?! Come here, you little----

Ichika: Gotcha! You think you can beat me?!

Man: Get your hands off me, young lady!

Ichika: I will not unless you stop chasing Sakura!

Man: Sakura?! Come on, he's a----
"I show him my School ID" -Female?!
But you look like----

Sakura: Don't talk! If you talk even a little, I'll smack your face!

Ichika: That's enough, Sis.
"The man notices the Police Man and call him as loud as he can to put me in jail"

Ichika: Do you know what's that for?

Sakura & Ichika: TIME TO RUN!!
"We ran as fast as we can, but the Police Man calls his backup friends, that's why we got caught"

              "In the Police Station"

Sakura: Please, please! Don't put me in jail!

Police Man: You've just stole an expensive money from a man and you're saying don't put you in jail?!

Sakura: I-I can explain! Please, let me----

Police Man: That's enough! "He suddenly shove me to put me inside the prison"

Ichika: No, Sakura! Mister, please let her go.

Police Man: I'm just doing what's right, so please stop begging me for that. If you'll excuse me----

Ichika: I'm not letting you go until you let Sakura go!

Police Man: Are you trying to challenge me?

Ichika: Yes, I am! Come fight me right now! "She aim her fist to him"

Police Man: I'm not going to fight a girl.

Ichika: Well, you're a coward!

Police Man #2: Haha! Did she just call you a coward?

Police Man: Stop laughing at me! I'm not going to fight an innocent person just to prove her I'm not a coward.

Ichika: Uh huh? If that's what you want...Then I'll prove you I'm not useless to just leave Sakura behind!
"She suddenly kick his face and he falls down, but his friend quickly do something to stop her immediately"

Sakura: Ichika! Please just stop!

Ichika: I'm not going to stop until I let you escape from that prison! Remember what I said when we were kids? Whereever you are, I'm always there to protect and save you.

Sakura: But...I did something----

Ichika: No matter what it is, I'm still going to save you!

Police Man #2: I'm not letting you do that! A criminal supposed to be in jail.

Police Man #3: That's right! You have no right to let her escape from prison.
She did something bad, so she deserve that.

Ichika: What did you just said?! She didn't deserve to be there and also she didn't do something bad! I have reasons why she do that. I'm also a pickpocket too...But she taught me not to do that kind of thing because I'm too young to be in prison. I don't understand why she's doing that, but now I know...She's sacrificing herself for me because she loves me so much. I love you too, sis. Now, it's my turn to sacrifice too! I'll make sure to save you no matter what! "She tries to kick the Police Man's face and punch the other too, but she didn't know that there's another Police Man that trying to aim the gun behind her"

Sakura: Ichika! Please, no!

Police Man #1: Don't move or else...I'll shoot this gun to you.

Police Man #2: Y-You're not gonna shoot her...are you?

Police Man #3: Don't ever do that. You're not gonna do that! You had a family, remember? Don't you wanna see them again? Do you wanna be in jail?

Ichika: Put down that gun...

Police Man #1: *Gasps* N-No...What am I just doing?!

"She suddenly kick his hands to throw the gun away" -Are you an idiot?! You're not even thinking what you're just doing! Now tell me! Is this what a Police Man doing?!

Police Man #1: I-I----Uh----N-No! *Pant*
"He kneels down and trying to control his anger" - I'm sorry...I'm really am sorry...I didn't mean to do that...Please forgive me...I didn't deserve this job because I'm not a good person...

Sakura: Don't say that. You're not a bad person. You''ll be a great Police Man if you change yourself. Everyone can change their destiny.

Police Man #1: You're right...
"Later on, Toshi slides the door and was worried about me and Ichika"

Ichika: T-Toshi?

Toshi: Sakura?! Ichika?! Are you two okay?!

Ichika & Sakura: Y-Yes, we are!

Toshi: Thank god. I was worried about you two after I heard what you just did earlier. Why did you do that, Sakura?

Sakura: I didn't meant to because I really need that money...It's for our Mom suffering from...*Cries* She's suffering from Leukemia. We can't afford the payment at the hospital, that's why I really need some money to pay all the bills for our Mom.

Ichika: That's right...*Sniffs* We thought this is the only way, but we're wrong. We realized that it's a crime.
We realized that we don't need money from the others if we work so hard to earn it.

Toshi: Then why are you two still doing it?

Sakura: We can't have a job because we're too young. They are only hiring people who are in 20 years old above.

Toshi: You're right, but you shouldn't have do that kind of thing. That's a bad idea. You can still have a job, you know.

Ichika: We can? How?

Toshi: Part-Time Job!

Sakura: Part-Time Job? What's that?

Police Man #3: It's a job, but there's a limited time. For example, you can only work there for 3 hours.

Ichika: Is that so? Hmm...I'm in!

Toshi: That's the spirit! What about you, Sakura?

Sakura: Umm...Maybe?

Ichika: Come on, Sakura. It would be great if you agree. Hehe!

Police Man #2: She's right. I'll let you go if you agree or do you wanna be in jail forever?

Sakura: No, of course not. I'm in!

Toshi & Ichika: Cool! "The other police man lets Sakura out of the prison"

Police Man #1: I'm sorry...

Sakura: I'm sorry too...I shouldn't have do that. From now on, I'll be a good girl!

Ichika: Don't forget me!

Sakura: Oh! I'm sorry. We'll be a good girl!

Police Man #1: Thank you for teaching me how to be a great Police Man. I owe you a lot...uh...Ichika, right?

Ichika: That's my name! You got it right.

Police Man #1: Haha! You're so funny.

-To Be Continued! ♡

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