Stupid?! (Luke Hemmings)

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Imagine being Luke Hemmings' girlfriend and getting this text from him while bringing him his StarBucks. For some reason, this text made you angry.

You decided that since you were soooo stupid that you could decipher the difference between hot sauce and creamer. You even stopped and bought him a stuffed penguin, which you would give to him after he apologized.

As you walked into the the studio Luke ran to you and hugged you.

"(Y/N) Thanks for bringing me my StarBucks! I love you." He smiled, taking a sip. You smiled innocently as he started spitting and coughing. "Babe! What'd you do to my StarBucks?!"

"Oops. I guess I'm so stupid I can't tell the difference between hot sauce and creamer. I'm so sorry!" You said, sarcastically. The boys start laughing.

"Serves you right, Luke!" Michael chuckled. Luke glared at all of them.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings." Luke said, gulping down the water Ashton brought him after your best friend Becca got him to stop laughing.

"It's fine. But you know at least I passed Geography and I'm in college." You tease him. He glares at you playfully.

"I love you." Luke smiles, finally.

"Te Amo." You kiss him.

"(Y/N) What does that mean?" Luke asked as soon as you pulled away.

"You guess. But, I got you a gift!" I explained.

"You did! Gimme!" Luke exclaimed like a petty 5 year old.

"Here. Let me go get it from the car. You, stay." You laugh. Rushing out to your car, you fumble with the door until it finally gives way for you to slip inside and grab his fuzzy, almost life-size penguin. Let's face it, Luke is larger than life (literally!). You managed inside the doors to find Luke in heated conversation with the guys about Kangaroos and Koalas.

"Luke! Holy Crap!" Calum laughed, when he saw you struggling with the large penguin.

When you almost tripped, it's glass eyes seemed to glow amusingly. "Lucas come get your stupid penguin before I rip it's taunting glass eyeball out."

"OH EM GEE!!! I LOVE YOU (Y/N)!!! YOUR THE BEST GIRLFRIEND ON PLANET EARTH!!! IM SO LUCKY TO HAVE YOU!!! YOURE NOT STUPID!!!" Luke yelled, hopping up and grabbing the penguin from your hands. You laugh happily to see him hugging the penguin.

"I forgive you, Lucas. I love you!" You told him, kissing his cheek. All was right with the world.

A/N: Hey Guys! Hope you like! Don't forget, I take recommendations.

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