Drum Sticks (Ashton Irwin)

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You are at a 5 Seconds of Summer concert, drum sticks poking out the back pocket of your black ripped skinny jeans with your Blink-182 T-shirt tucked in. Your favorite band member was Ashton Irwin. He was like a puppy. Always happy and content.

You were rocking out to Mrs. All American, when the song stopped abruptly. Ashton stood up and was blushing.

"Um... Sorry guys, but I kinda broke my sticks. I'll go get the extras and be right back." He said, shyly. After a few minutes, he returned, blushing even more than before.

"There appears to be no extras. If anyone has any, may I borrow them? I'll give them back after the show." He said, a silent murmur ran through the crowd. You called to them but they didn't hear you, so you let out a sharp ear piercing whistle. Their heads turned to you so fast, you're surprised they didn't get whiplash. Ashton rushes over to you.

"Thank you so much! I'll return them after the show." He says, jumping off the stage and running to you on the front row.

"Here, take them. Just please don't break them. They're my world!" You explain to him. He smiles and nods.

"Take my shirt, I'll see you after the show. Come to the meet and greet, show the guy my shirt and he'll let you through." Ashton removed his large red flannel and handed it to you. You smile at his retreating back. Not a bad view.

You pull the shirt up over your freezing arms and nod your head along to the returning bass.

*#{After The Show}#*

You rush to the meet and greet. You have been separated from your babies for too long. After you showed the man the shirt, you were taken to a private room. Currently, the boys were poking each other and dancing weirdly. You were beginning to wonder if you should call the paramedics when Ashton sees you.

"Hey! Come join us." He called, jumping on Luke's back.

"Yep, you guys definitely need the paramedics." You said, pulling out your phone.

"If you call them, you will never get your drum sticks back." Ashton said, as Luke piggybacked him around the room. You look up with fear in your eyes. Anything but your drumsticks!

"No, please!" You exclaim.

"Then put the phone away." Ashton said, as Luke dropped him on the couch.

"Fine! Just give me my sticks!" You say, rushing toward the hand Ashton was holding out, which held your drumsticks.

"I swear you two are the only two who calls them sticks." Calum muttered. You glared his way.

"Got a problem, Hood?" You ask, glaring. He shuts up and shakes his head. "Good Boy."

The playful banter keeps up for half an hour until the boys have to go. You trade numbers with all of them and within a week you and Ashton are dating.

A/N: Hey Guys! I updated twice in one day! That's a first for me. Hope you like!

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