The Chain Of Love (Luke Hemmings: Part 1)

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(Y/n) Pov:
I walked out of my boss' office after an argument about dress code. He had no dress code, so I have a right to wear what I want. My black ripped skinny jeans, black Vans, and white Superman shirt break no rules. Nor does my black 'Live Like A Boss' snap back, which I wear backwards.

He always complains because I don't wear khakis and a plain shirt like the other employees, but he doesn't dare fire me because the customers love me. As much of an attitude that it looks like I have, the customers love me. Maybe it's because I have a tab at the store that I have recently paid off. I know your thinking 'why would a tab matter?'. Well that tab is for the people who can barely afford stuff for themselves or their children, so I pay for it for them. Or maybe it's because I hand out random dollar bills to people. I don't know.

I walked up the front of the store, to see a little girl trying to grab a stuffed bear on the top shelf. I approached her and got it for her. She smiled.

"Thank you." She said. She was so cute! She was missing her two front teeth.

"Your welcome. Hi, my name is (y/n). What's your's?" I crouched down to her level and handing her the toy.

"My name if Jaelyn." She smiled. I did, too. Then I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a green dollar bill. "Here take this. There is some nice candy in the front."

"Thank you so much!" She exclaimed. I saw her hurry to her mom and show her the bear. Her mom started to cry and shook her head that she couldn't get it. I had seen that face before. It was the masked 'I-Can't-Afford-It' face.

The little girl brought the bear back to me, "Please make sure Mr. Randolph gets a good home."

I smiled, "I will."

The girl continued to gaze at the toys sadly while I hurried to help her mom at the empty cash register. Only when I reached the counter did I realize I still held the stuffed bear.

Once I had the lady checked out, I put my money in the register and handed the lady the bear. She looked at me puzzled.

"She said to make sure Mr. Randolph went to a good home." I shrugged, smiling. The mom's eyes watered.

"How much do I owe you?" She asked worriedly.

"Ma'am you don't owe a thing. I've been there, too. Someone once helped just like I'm helping you. But if you really want to pay me back, here's what you do. Don't let the chain of love end with you." I sang to her. (A/N: Comment the name of the song if you know it.)

"Bless you." She smiled. She went to stand at the front door as I went to retrieve Jaelyn.

"Hey, kiddo. Your mom's waiting for you." I patted her back. She looked up at me smiling. "By the way, I sent Mr. Randolph to a good home."

I pointed to her mom, who was holding the bear. The girl smiled, hugged me, then raced to hug her mom.

"Mom, your the greatest mom ever!" She exclaimed. The mom mouthed a 'Thank You' to me as I smiled. They soon left and I went back to sorting candies on a shelf.

"Um, can I get some help on aisle uh... 9." A deep voice called. I walked to aisle 9 to see a boy with dirty blonde hair searching the rack of hair dye.

"I saw what you did for that girl. That was amazing." He said, still not looking at me. I gaped at him. In front if me stood Luke Hemmings of 5 Seconds Of Summer. I regained my cool.

"Yeah, it's not my first time doing it and I hope it's not my last. I loved see the happiness on their faces. Now I know what Santa feels like. Wait... That sounded dopey." I face palmed. "Let me start over. Hi, I'm (y/n). So what can I help you with?"

"My friend Michael needs some color purple hair dye. He needs a specific kind." He handed me an empty box. I looked at it, then back at the shelf.

"Hold on a second." I crouched down and stuck my hand all the way to the back of the shelf. I grabbed a random box. It was some lavender color.

"That's it! (Y/n) you're a bloody genius!" He exclaimed. I blushed and handed him the box.

"If you need anything else, just yell." I said.

"Well, I need to check out." He yelled. I snickered.

We walked to the register only to hear Luke let out a string of profanities. "I can't find my wallet."

He left me and the box at the counter as he left to his his car apologizing the whole way.

I muffled a giggled as I paid for the hair dye. I left it in a bag. As I walked back to the the office to clock out, I ran across a black wallet. I clocked out considering it was 5:30 and ran backed to the front. Pulling the hair dye box out, I stuffed Luke's wallet inside, and closed it. Writing Luke Hemmings on the side of the bag, I left the store.

Luke's Pov:
I walked sadly back inside American store to tell (y/n) I couldn't buy the hair dye. Once inside, I didn't see (y/n). The only thing there was a white bag with my name on it. Literally.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)?!" I called but got no answer, so I picked up the bag. Making sure it wasn't a prank, I opened the bag to find a note and the hair dye. Inside the hair dye box was my wallet and the hair stuff.

'Dear Luke,
Sir, you don't owe me a thing. I've been there, too. Someone once helped me out, just like I'm helping you. But if you really want to pay me back, here's what you do. Don't let the chain of love end with you.

(Y/n)' The note read. I smiled. One random act of kindness can make a strangers day. I've got to pass it on.

A/N: Hey Guys! Hope you like! ;)

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