Hosting The Grammy's (Michael Clifford)

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Imagine you and your best friend Becca are in a band and have been invited to host the Grammy's! You've been so excited for this day for months and today is the day!

Your in your dressing room, finishing curling your hair when Becca hops in your room, her soft grey mini-dress complimented her figure and made her look even prettier than normal. She grey, studded wedges. Even now she still wasn't as tall as you.

You stood and let her evaluate your outfits. You wore a black dress that was tight until you got to the skirt. The skirt of the dress ended at calves and flared when you twirled. Your black flats finished the outfit. You pulled your newly dyed, curly, neon green hair to the side to show her your new moon necklace. Your hair wasn't permanently dyed green, is was just put and would come out without any damage to your beautiful (h/c) hair.

"It's time to go ladies." The tall lady with long red hair hooked microphones to your tops while telling us where to go.

Before you knew it, you were at the entrance of the stage with Becca clutching your hand tightly. Your cue came and you and Becca walked on stage hand-in-hand. You looked deadly serious until the entering music started and you twirled Becca. She giggled and twirled you back. Your skirt flowed beautifully.

Once the music stopped your and Becca are both smiling happily at the crowd.

"Hey Guys!" You called finally. "We are your hosts... or hostesses. If that's a word. Becca is that a-" Becca cuts you off.

"(Y/N) shut up. And before we get this thing rocking on, we would just like to say..." Becca looked to you and you smirked.

"Is Ashton Irwin in the crowd?" You ask. A hand shot up from a group of seats close to the front. Becca and you share a look.

"AUSSIE! AUSSIE! AUSSIE!" You two say simultaneously.

"OI! OI! OI!" Came your reply from a standing Ashton Irwin. You and Becca break down into fits of hysterical laughter.

After you calm down, you begin to explain. "Sorry guys. Becca and I have been working to get this band famous for awhile now, and when we were younger, we would dream of being on stage and doing this. We in fact, planned this very moments for months. And we've finally gotten to live our dreams. Thanks guys!" You say, wiping tiny tears from your eyes, remembering all the memories.


Soon it was time for the after party. The audience was having trouble walking with all the stitches earned from you and Becca hilarious hosting. Becca went ahead of you as you stopped to grab your phone. As soon as your iPhone in your hand, a body leaned against the wall next to you.

"Nice hosting tonight, Gorgeous." He flirted. You turned to see the one and only Michael Gordan Clifford. He wore black skinny jeans, black Vans, a Green Day shirt, and a black leather jacket. His hair was pale blue with purple highlights. It was awesome!

You smile.

"You weren't too bad yourself, Handsome." You laugh as you turn to leave to catch up with Becca. He caught your arm and turned you to face him.

"Hey now, were are you going, Princess?" He asked, a smirk appearing on his face.

"Are you drunk?" You asked, suddenly confused. He released you.

"No! I just thought you liked bad boys." He said, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking down

"No. I like you. Besides, bad boys are good boys who haven't been caught." I winked. He blushed and we continued to the After Party. You see Becca and Ashton hitting it off.

The weeks pass by and soon Becca and Ashton were dating.

One night, Becca was out on a date with Ashton when you have a very bad depression swing. You became so sad and you couldn't figure out why. You were laying in your bed in the dark alone, crying your eyes out.

"(Y/N) I'm here! I thought we could hang out while Becca and Ashton are out, so I have ice cream and pizza!" Michael's voice called from downstairs. It only made you sob harder.

"(Y/N)?" He called again, walking up the stairs. He walks into the room and flipped on your lights. Once Michael saw you crying, he didn't question, but crawled into the bed with you, dropping the pizza and ice cream on the floor.

"What's wrong, Princess?" He asked, cuddling into your side.

"I never told you, but I was diagnosed with Depression at age 13. Sometimes I have severe mood swings. Becca is always here and knows how to fix it. This is the first one she's missed." You sob as Michael holds your cheeks. As soon as your breathing returns to normal, he moves to leave and you freak out, anxious that he's leaving you.

"No, Princess. I'm not leaving you. I'm setting up Netflix." He says. Michael played your favorite movie, a Pride And Prejudice (A/N: My actual favorite movie.), and gives you half of the pizza.

Once the food is gone, you cuddle into Michael. His warmth gives you a sense of security you don't feel around anyone else except Becca.

"(Y/N), can I tell you something?" Michael asked, eyes glued to Miss Jane's exclamation of yes to Mr. Bingley's purposal.

"Sure." I said, staring up at him.

"Willyougooutwithme?" He asked quickly. You were confused. He chuckled at your confused (e/c) eyes.

"I have been wondering for a while now if you... um... wanted to be my girlfriend?" He asked, his fading pale blue hair, flopping in front of his eyes.

"That would depend. Can we still cuddle? Could I call you mine? Can I hold your hand?Could-" You were interrogating your limits, when Michael shut you up by bringing his lips to yours.

"That's an efficient way to shut me up." You giggle when he pulls away. "I believe the answers to my questions are yes, then?"

"Yes." Michael kissed you again.

"I come rushing back because Michael texted me, telling me that
(y/n) had a swing, only to find this." Becca giggled, ending you and Michael's kiss.

"Sometimes I hate you, Becca Oller." You sigh.

"Oh but you love me." Becca smiled.

A/N: Hey Guys! Hope you like!

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