Chapter 4

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The rest of Thursday passed with a breeze, they did stay up for astronomy and homework which made them even more tired for the morning. Then Friday came and after passing through DADA, Transfiguration, Charms, History of magic and potions, he rushed up to the Gryffindor tower to retrieve his nimbus 2000 for tryouts. He met Harry at the quidditch pitch and changed into the quidditch uniform that was a bit larger for him. The rest of the team were also there and he saw Katie Bell in a sling looking rather disgruntled.

Even though there was only one position, Percy was surprised how many joined up and realized he was the only second year. Some brought school brooms like the shooting star. But some had store-bought brooms like the Comet 260 and clean sweep five. But Percy's nimbus was the best.

The captain, Oliver Wood got straight into business.

"Right there's only one spot and that is the chaser, so if anyway wants to tryout for another position, I'm sorry, but no."

Almost three-quarters of them left grumbling under their breaths and now, there were only two. Percy and a fourth-year boy named Kenneth Towler

"Alright then, Fred and George," he said indicated the grinning beaters. "Are the beaters and will try and prevent you from scoring. They will use the bludgers so be careful alright?"

Oliver blew the whistle and Kenneth first flew. He, Angelina and Alicia would try and score. Occasionally, Percy noted that while the girls passed, Kenneth rarely did and went straight ahead rather than passing to a teammate and when the keeper saved it or the bludgers found their mark, he did get rather frustrated and even went full-on solo, which irritated the chasers.

Then Percy's turn came up. He immediately swooped in and grabbed the quaffle dodging an incoming bludger from Fred (Or George?). He passed it to Alicia, then To Angelina back and she scored. Then Angelina passed it to Percy and sped up scoring from the middle post.

It went on like this back and forth until Wood called it for a timeout. Percy flew down fairly confident that he would make it.

They all landed down. Oliver made his decision. Percy's on the team.

"Right then Percy. Congrats," he said as Harry and the twins cheered for him. "So, practice tomorrow  Saturday morning. I know I know" he said as others groaned. "But Percy needs the practice so we need to increase our sessions understood?"

They all nodded.

Once everyone had changed and they went up for dinner. Oliver pulled him aside and gave him his own tailored quidditch uniform in a box that fits him perfectly. He patted Percy's shoulder and went up for lunch.

Percy soon joined the trio who congratulated him again. Harry and Percy dropped their quidditch kits in the dorm and went for dinner. After that, they had a small party and went to bed.

For the first time, Percy woke up early than usual feeling excited and cheerful. After he and Wood (Who also woke up early) rouse Harry awake, they had a quick bath, took their scarlet robes started going down. Colin Creevey came dashing down the spiral staircase, his camera swinging madly around his neck and something clutched in his hand.

"I heard someone saying your name on the stairs, Harry! Look what I've got here! I've had it developed, I wanted to show you —"

And he kept on following them as Harry explained the rules of quidditch.

The rest of the Gryffindor team were already in the changing room. Wood was the only person who looked truly awake. Fred and George Weasley were sitting, puffy-eyed and tousle-haired, next to the fourth year Alicia Spinnet, who seemed to be nodding off against the wall behind her and Angelina Johnson, was yawning side by side opposite.

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