Chapter 42-

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Six months later and I'm still broken.

We've all had that one person who made the shitty world not seem so fucked up. They made the days fun and made us want to get up in the mornings. We would see them in school, so even if we where ill, we'd go in anyway. Just to see their face.

His face was my everything. His smile made my day seem brighter, his eyes made the world seem conqourable, as long as I was by his side. And now it was the one thing that broke me most.

His words rung in my ears like a terrible case of tinnitus.

Brat. Brat. Brat. Brat. Brat. Brat. Brat.

Malfoy was right. Malfoy was right.

You're a Riddle. How could I love a Riddle?

I couldn't even think about him without wanting to throw myself off the Astronomy tower.

But, I couldn't even move. Every bone in my body told me to go beat the fuck out of her, for trying to take him away from. me. But my body just wouldn't fucking move.

"Nyx you need to sleep tonight." Amara said on her way out. Her and Blaise had gotten back together. I was happy for her.

I nodded as she left and I did try to sleep. I had started having nightmares often. But as I drifted to sleep I had the worst one I'd ever had.

"THEO, TOM? WHERE ARE YOU? PLEASE I'M SCARED! I'm so fucking scared." I cried as I sat in a dark room with no light. I couldn't stand up. I couldn't walk around. I couldn't move.

"No, please don't hurt her! She's just a kid!" I heard Mattheo's voice say.

"Mattheo?" I said as he appeared in front of me. There was a massive green light. Mattheo screamed and fell.


"MATTHEO?!" "Tommy! Tommy where are you! SOMEONE HELP HIM! PLEASE!" I screamed as loudly as I could. Tommy ran to me, but just before he could reach me, a green light appeared around him too. I could finally stand up. I ran towards them. 

"Tommy, Mattheo. Please wake up. Please please wake up. I can't loose you two. No no no no!"

"You can't save them. You can't save anyone. You are WORTHLESS!" A voice rang through my ears.

I turned around.

I screamed. I screamed so loudly.

"Nyx, NYX! Wake up!" Said a voice. My eyes jolted open.

I was sitting up, I was sweating and Mattheo and Tom where sitting on either side of my bed.

"What? What happened?" I said, crying.

"You started screaming our names. We could hear you from our dorm Nyx... What happened?" Mattheo said.

"I-I had a nightmare. You-You both died and I couldn't help you. I couldn't help. I'm so sorry." I said crying.

"Nyx, we're right here. We're not going anywhere. Promise. Come on. Come to our room." Tom said helping me out of the bed.

They walked me to their room. Tear's still rolling down my face. As we walked past Adrian's room I saw Dalliah open the door. He kissed her on the forehead and said goodnight. The same way he used to do to me. I felt my heart wrench. More tears fell down my face. He looked at me. His face looked worried and scared. He went to come over to me, but Dalliah stopped him by grabbing his shirt and handing him a small vial.

"Baby, you forgot your medicine. You need to take it so your bone's fix. Every day baby." She said.

"My bones feel fine. Plus I broke my hand 2 moths ago Dall, I don't think I need it anymore."

"Baby how many times have you broken that hand? You need it to strengthen your bones so it doesn't break again." She said.

"Dall, I'm fine." He said trying to push past her.

"Just drink it. For me baby." She said.

He took the vial from her hand and drank it. He looked at her and kissed her.

"You should stay the night." He said.

"If you insist." She said walking back in.

She dropped the vial on the floor as she closed the door.

I picked up the vial and walked into my brothers room.

I sat on Tom's bed.

"Hey Tommy, what does this smell like to you?" I said handing him the small vial. Tommy was very very good at potions.

"Where did you get this?" He asked.

"Dalliah dropped it, why what is it?" I said confused.


I  walked over to Tom looking concerned.

"This is the strongest love potion I think I've ever seen. But, this is called Amare, It's weird because this only takes over the mind and body. Never the heart." Tom explained, to me quietly so Nyx couldn't hear.

"What does that mean?"

"Adrian is still in love with Nyx. He's so deeply under the spell that all of his emotions are surpressed. Basically, he's in love with Dalliah and thinks she's the most amazing person on earth. But he still thinks about her. He knows there's something wrong but he doesn't know what." He said. 

"Is there a remedy?" I asked.

"Yes. But it's going to take a round a month to make." Tom said.

"We have four weeks off of school. We can give it to him after the break." Mattheo said.

"Yeah." Tom said. 

"So, what is it?" Nyx asked.

"Just a healing potion." Tom said. Why didn't he just tell her?


I finally got out of bed and got changed. When we come back to school, there's a dance. As angry and as sad I am about this, I refuse to mong for any longer. 

I got ready to leave for home. We had already gotten on the train when I realized I'd left my books in my dorm.

We got home, I greeted my mother. Archie was on a business trip. But my brothers promised not to leave me.

The next month was weird. I did all the things I usually do but it all felt, incomplete and broken. Once we finally went back to school I found out Dalliah had transferred to Hogwarts. I felt sick to my stomach when I saw her.


Nyx was withdrawn. She wasn't eating as much as she usually does. And she isn't as loud and bubbly. In fact she doesn't even talk. And she had nightmare's every night. I can't blame her really. We'd finished the potion. We just needed a way to give it to him.

My little sister was hurting and I couldn't help her as soon as I wanted to. The dance was in 4 days. 

I knew what I had to do. I have to get Adrian alone and far away from Dalliah when I give him the remedy. I just don't know if the remedy is gonna work... 

Nyx was so unlike herself. She never spoke, her skin was pale and she looked Ill. Like she was dying. She stayed in our room most nights. It helped with her nightmares. Theo and I did our best to  cheer her up and make her feel better. Nothing worked. She just sat and read her books all day. She stopped writing, she stopped drawing. The boys would come round quite often. They would try and cheer her up too. Nothing.

That whore broke my little sister's heart and she's going to fucking pay for it.

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