Chapter 3-✨

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Hi so I just wanted to say thank you to the few people who have been reading this. I honestly did not expect anything to come of this. But thank you. Also there might be some references to abuse in this. Just wanted to warn you lovely's. Also. Hi Sinead.


I quickly wiped the tear from my face and opened the door. Amara greeted me with a warm smile. She patted the space on the bed in front of her. I sat down.

"So. Tell me everything. The small details the big ones i don't care. I NEED DETAILS SIS" She said enthusiastically.

"Alright uh where do you want me to start?" I said slightly flustered.

"Why are your brothers so protective?" She asked.

"Oh well. My mother has a pretty shit taste in men. Mouldy Voldy and her current twat bag. Archie." I said. Amara cackled and snorted with laughter.

"AHHAHA FUCKIN MOULDY VOLDY HOLY SHIT.  I like you Nyx." She said giggling still. I laughed with her. "Ok ok. Continue."

"Archie hits my mother. When I was little I would cry and I would go to my brothers room and sleep there. Mattheo would hug me til I fell alseep. And one night uhm-" I said tears welling in my eyes. "Tommy was out and Mattheo was asleep, I woke up and went to our kitchen to get a glass of water and uh he was-" I couldn't continue and I cried. Without another word Amara hugged me.

"I'm so sorry Nyx." She said.

"Nono. It's okay." I don't know why I told her that... I don't ever tell people things but I feel safe telling Amara things. The rest of the night we talked and laughed.

"Well I'm gonna go see my boyfriend. I'll see you later." She said standing up. In those hours I found out that she was dating a boy called Blaise. She spends most nights in his dorm.

After she left I decided to get changed. I put on shorts and a big shirt. I picked up my book and continued to read.

I stared outside the window for a while. Staring at the lake. That was when a small hoot came from a cage on Amara's side of the room. A white owl sat. Very very beautiful.

Then it suddenly occured to me that i hadn't seen Oggy, my cat, at all. As these thoughts came out so did Oggy from under my bed.

It's like this little shite knew what I was thinking. Oh well. We move.

After an hour of reading I decided to sleep.

I know I don't have any lessons but I want to wonder around school.

I got into the bed and tried to sleep. Oggy slept next to me tucked perfectly in the curve of my body where I was curled up.

Sleep. Peaceful sleep.

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