Inisde Your Heaven [A Justin Bieber Story] *2*

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Soooo glad u guys are liking this story! :) I <3333 Ur Comments! Keep 'em coming! lol and Fan and most of all..VOTE!! Plzz! The more votes, the faster I'll try to post! kk <3 And PLZ read my story "What Happened at Lake Moore?" It's not a Justin story obviously, but im kinda upset im not getting too many views :/ Anywhoo, who's gonna go see NEVER SAY NEVER? MEE! lol hyped, gonna  it tomorrow! whoohoo (Feb. 9th) ;) Well PEACE! I LUV YALL!


= Lizzy =

I woke up to a throbbing pain on my cheek. I cringed a slowly touched the wound on my face. Instead of skin, my fingers touched a towel. At least I think it was a towel. I moaned and slowly sat up. I couldn't see where I was. Everything looked blurry but I assumed I'd been laying on an unrecognizable bed. Events from earlier began to flash back in my mind. My dad. The car. The voices.

"Hey. You're conscious." It was the boyish voice. I rubbed at my eyes, trying clear my vision. I felt the towel fall from my cheek.

"Careful." I heard the boy take the towel and gently hold it against my cheek.

"Thanks." I mumbled. My vision finally cleared and I looked over at the boy who was sitting on the bed beside me. He had dirty blonde hair that neatly fell above his eyes and was swept to the side. His eyes were ligh brown, kind of hazel. To top it all off, he was really cute. Speaking of, I probably looked like crap right now. I was still in my pjs which were all bloody on the sleeves.

"I'm Justin." he smiled. "You?"

"Lizzy." I told him.

"Why did you step out into the street, Lizzy?" He asked me. I looked away. He thought I was crazy, no doubt. Maybe I was. I shrugged.

"I could've hit you." His hand gently touched my chin and he pulled my hand up to face him. "Who did this to you, Lizzy?" He was still holding the towel to my face.

"I...fell." I lied.

"You sure about that?" Before I could react, he took my arm with his free hand and pulled up my pj's sleeve, revealing the scars I'd created on my wrist. I pulled my arm away.

"It's nothing, ok? None of your business." I could barely look at him.

"You can trust me." He told me.

"I can't trust anyone." It came out as a sob and I realized I was crying.

"Fine. I won't interfere. I just think you should stay here tonight, just in case."

"This isn't a hospital." I wiped away a few tears.

"I know, but it's safer than wherever you're staying." He pointed out.


"Right now, yes." He caught one of my stray tears with his thumb. "Do you want you shower? You look pretty messed up."

"Thanks." I said sarcasically, but I could feel a smile pulling at my lips. "But I don't have clothes."

"That's ok." he said. "You can just wear one of my t-shirts. I'll get you one of my mom's shorts or something and you'll be good to go." He grinned.

"Ok." I smiled. "Thanks...Justin." Then I really looked around the room I was in for the first time. I knew off the bat that it was Justin's room. There were a few posters on the walls. I recognized one as Beyonce since the girls at my school listened to her a lot but I didn't recognize the rest. I guess I never listened to music or watched tv. Not when I lived under my father's roof. I realized two of the posters were of himself. Huh...

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