Inside Your Heaven [A Justin Bieber Story] *22*

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+ Justin +

Lizzy's brother, Cody, gives me the address to the hotel they're staying in and them leaves, leaving me alone with Jessica to ponder over the days events.

"She's pregnant?" I hear Jessica question. "How?"

I fall onto the couch with a sigh. "Do I really have to explain how? I think you know the answer to that."

Jessica purses her lips. "You and Lizzy...?"

"Yes." I heave a sigh. "I was in love with her."

Jessica shakes her head with a sigh and falls onto the couch besides me. "You still are."


"Admit it, Justin. It's only been like, what? Three weeks?" Jessica frowns.

I run a hand through my hair. "Yeah. You're right. I still love her. I'm not over her. I'll never get over her. She's Lizzy. My Lizzy. My first and only love."

Jessica looks at my sympathetically. "Then forget about me. If Lizzy's pregnant, then you should be worrying about her and her..." She pauses."her and your baby."

I half-smile, loving the sound of 'your baby'. "What if she's mad at me?"

"She came back for you." Jessica nudges me. "That's a good sign."

I smile for real this time. "Yeah. I'm just..." I look down. "I'm scared to lose her again."

Jessica leans over and kisses me cheek. "Be strong. Besides, you let her leave. If I were you, I would have made her stay."

I frown. "I would never make her do something she doesn't want to do."

"But she would stay." Jessica smiles. "Because deep down, she wants too." She places her hand on my leg. "She needs you, Justin."

"So does this mean..."

Jessica nods. "We're just friends. I'm fine with that. I think we were meant to be no more than friends."

I grin. "You're right. It never worked out."

"Because you don't love me. You love Lizzy." Jessica tells me.


"So get your ass to her hotel and take her back." Jessica grins.

I chuckle. "I will." I stand up and grab the car keys off the coffe table.

"You go big daddy!" I hear Jessica say as I jog out the front door. I laugh beneath my breath, feeling happy and hopeful for the first time in weeks.

= Lizzy =

My eyes are red and swollen and I can't help but feel sorry for my dad, Cody, and Aaron who had to watch me cry for over an hour. I had finally calmed down.

"He didn't reject you, Lizzy." Cody said for the billionth time.

"Yeah he did!" I half-scream. "He was with her! He moved on! He doesn't care about me anymore!"

Cody groans. "For gods sake, Lizzy. I saw the look in the boys eyes. He hasn't moved on. He still loves you."

"How do you know that?" I snap.

Aaron heaves a sigh. "It seems like everyone knows that but you, Liz."

Dad nods from across the room. "The boys have a point."

"We always do." Aaron agrees.

Cody stands up from the bed beside me. "I'm going down to he vending machine. Anyone want anything?"

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