- Chapter Two -

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- Y/N's Point of View -

As we sit there in the auditorium, the Voice Hero, Present Mic, walks up to the stage. Explaining what we need to do during the entrance exams. Iida stops Present Mic in the middle of the presentation to point out a boy who kept mumbling about something. As Iida sits back down, the explanation continues. I can't help but notice that the boy was very flustered. Making me laugh to myself.

We all gather at the doors of the exam. My stomach gets sick, I'm so nervous. I look around and start to touch a few people, so I had some quirks. Making sure not to use any mutation quirks. As Present Mic announces the start, everybody rushes into the city.

I look around, I see an area with those robots. Using the few quirks, I had copied. I must've had a few points by now. Suddenly, I hear everybody screaming a running. What could the commotion be about, as I run to see. There was the 0 pointer, my body goes into shock. Iida runs up and grabs me by my shirt, taking me away.

A boy jumps up, getting ready to use his quirk. As he does a punch, knocking out the huge bot. His whole arm was completely injured. He starts falling to the ground, but thankfully a girl with brown hair had slapped him and used her quirk on him. Then throwing up right after, Recovery Girl then makes her entrance, healing everybody.

As she came across the boy, she frowned because of what his quirk did to him. As everybody starts to leave the exams. I can't help but worry if I'll pass out or not. Suddenly, I hear my name getting called. It was Iida, running towards me.

"Hey Y/N! You did great during the exams." Iida exclaims, I slightly blush to his praise.

I respond, "Thanks, so did you!" As we start walking together, just making small talk. I had forgotten how this feeling had felt like. Was it me falling or was it reconnecting with an friend...?

"Hey Y/N, would you mind if you gave me your number?" Iida asked, looking at me, waiting for a response. I nod, as I put my phone number in his phone.

Iida grinned, "Thanks, maybe we can keep in contact!" I nod and smile, as I see Iida run off and get into a car. I start to walk home, as I unlock the doors, I notice that my mom isn't home. Oh well, I look in the fridge to see leftovers.

"This will do, I guess." I didn't really like leftovers, but I would eat them anyway. As my food heats up, I notice that my mom left a note.


I'll be on a business trip for a week, I'm sorry that it was urgent, but I left some money on the table for you to buy groceries whenever you need them. Also, there is still some leftovers from the other day. I love you Y/N! (P.s I hope the exams went well, go hero!)

-Your Mother


I smile to the note, at least she has been there. I hear the microwave beep, as I take my food out and start eating. I suddenly feel my phone vibrate, as I go to check it. It was Iida, I open my phone to check.

Hey Y/N! - Speedy Boy

Y/N - Oh, hey Iida!

Would you mind meeting me at the park for a few minutes? - Speedy Boy

Y/N - umm, sure, at what time?

Would 7 work for you? - Speedy Boy

Y/N - Sure, I'll see you in a few minutes

I close my phone, as I look at the time. It was currently 6:52, I have a few minutes to walk to the park. As I walk out the door, locking it behind me. I start to walk to the park, with the sun setting it was so beautiful.

While walking, I start to see the park ahead of me, I can already see Iida waiting for me. I start to jog to the park, as Iida looks up and sees me, he smiles.

"Thank you for meeting me here Y/N!" Iida smiled.

I grin, "It was no problem, what did you need?" Iida opens his mouth trying to find the right words but can't really figure out what to say.

"Y/N, would you happen to make a promise with a boy at this park nine years ago?" Iida asks me. I go silent and nod my head no. I knew I was lying to him; I just wasn't ready for him to know that it was me yet.

Iida frowns, "I guess that's okay, I guess I just haven't found her yet.." I put on my acting skills.

"Haven't found who yet..?" I wonder with curiosity. Iida looks up at me, his eyes has lightened up when I asked that question.

He smiles before answering.

"My childhood best friend."

My Bestfriend... [Tenya Iida x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now