- Chapter Eight -

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- Y/N's Point of View -

My mom was right, her idea did work. I never thought that it would, considering how it had been years since I've seen them. As my mom drops me off, I can't help but feel anxiety with every step that I take, getting closer and closer to the house. I take one final deep breath before ringing the doorbell. 

As I stand outside for a minute, the door opens to reveal Mrs. Iida. "Come in! It's been so long! Tenya is in his room; he'll be so excited to see you." I nod, mouthing the words, "Thank you." She smiles. As I take my bag, I head to his room. I knock first, not getting an answer. I go into the room.

"Now, is that any way to treat your best friend?" I question. Iida, who was laying on his bed. Quickly turn towards me, his eyes widening. I see tears form in his eyes, as he gets off his bed and runs to me. Almost, making me fall over. 

He quickly starts asking questions, "What are you doing here!? Are you okay? Did you run away!?" I quickly laugh, as I continue to hug him.

"I missed you too, and no. I did not run away," I add, "yes, I'm okay." Iida lets out a sigh of relief. As we stand there for a few moments, I could hear Iida sobbing quietly. I bring his head up with my two hands. Wiping the tears off his face.

Iida sobs, "I thought you were gone...!" I bring Iida into a hug, gently rubbing my hand along his back. I kiss the top of his head. 

"Take a few deep breaths, it's okay now." I whisper. Iida does as I said, taking slow, deep breaths. He definitely seemed calmer now. As we stop hugging, we go to sit on his bed. It was obvious that he wanted an explanation of everything. 

I start to explain, "To be honest, I didn't want to tell you because I thought that you would hate me. So, I kept it to myself. I was quite surprised to find that you didn't recognize me at first." Iida's eyes widen.

"You expect me to notice you after the last time we had saw each other, which was years ago!?" He bursts out. I didn't really think that through. I giggle to his response.

I giggle, "I suppose you're right." After explaining the whole situation to him, Iida seemed to understand it all. He quickly hugs me again. 

"I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that," he adds, "I wish I could've been there for you." I shrug my shoulders, not really sure how to respond to that. 

I simply say, "The past is the past now, there's no point in worrying about all of that now." Iida smiles a little and nods in agreement with me. 

"I have a question though, does that mean you're staying with us?" he questions. I nod my head, as I get tackled to the bed. Iida's grip around me tightens as he cried with tears of joy. I smile, knowing that I was finally going to be with my best friend. 

Iida looks up at me, our eyes locking. It felt like the moment had frozen. As the distance between us closes, or lips connect. I close my eyes, enjoying the moment. For what seemed like forever, Iida opens the distance between us. His face, red and all flustered. 

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that...!" he shyly says. I place a hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at me. 

I murmur, "It's okay, I would be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy it." The red on his face brightens, as he looks away. I place a kiss on his cheek before trying to get up.

"Now, if it would be alright. I would like to be shown my room." I causally say. Iida nods, as he grabs my bag and motions me to follow him. As we walk down the hall, I can't help but remember all the memories we had together as children. I smile to the thought. As I think of memories, Iida stops in front of a door. Making me bump into him. I quickly apologize, "Sorry!"

"It's okay, now, if I remember correctly, this is the guest room but I'm sure it can be your room." He explains. I nod as I follow him into the room. The room was mostly basic. The plain white walls, along with the bed, with white sheets. As for the floor, it was dark oak. The room itself, was plain. 

I was perfectly okay with that. As Iida hands me my back. I smile, dropping the bag onto the bed. I then turn to face Iida, giving him, yet another hug. He seemed to be surprised, but quickly accepted the hug. 

"I'm glad that I'll be staying with you, I didn't want to lose you again." I mutter. Iida's grip tightens. As he lets out a deep breath. 

He mumbles, "I didn't want to lose you either." We stand there for a few minutes, until being interrupted by his mother. We stand away from each other, awkwardly. 

"As much as I didn't want to ruin this cute moment, I just wanted to wish you both a goodnight. As for you, Y/N, I hope you can feel at home here." She smiles. I nod, smiling back at her. As she closes the door, Iida and I look back at each other. 

I smile, "I hope you can get a good night's sleep tonight." Iida walks closer to me, lifting my chin up with his finger before kissing me. I quickly melt into the kiss. 

"I hope the same for you, good night, Y/N." He whispers before walking out of the room. As I move my bag off the bed, I go turn off the light before falling onto the bed. Laying my back, staring at the ceiling. Making a promise. 

I promise to never leave you again...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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