The Reunion

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"Rey?!" Ben's voice comes suddenly, half question and half surprise. He's barefoot dressed in what looks like a black cotton pyjama. His face is emaciated, he looks skinnier, weaker, the scar on his face deeper than she remembered.

"Ben..." Rey whispers removing her hood, feeling their minds coming together, recognizing each other only for a few seconds, the connection fading right away to leave her empty again.

Ben takes a hesitant step forward noticing Chewie and Lucas's presence. Recognizing them, anger takes hold of him and Kylo Ren becomes present in front of them, shreds of his black magic emerging around him and surrounding them like a thick mist. "What does this mean?! HOW COULD YOU?!"

Rey crosses paths in front him, protecting Lucas. "How could you think that when I've been rotting inside the dungeons all this time?!" She yells at him, disregarding if her voice gives away their presence.

"WHAT?" Kylo Ren dilutes, the black magic mist fading as fast as it formed, giving way once again to Ben, who looks at her completely disturbed. "All these five years?" His voice comes out broken, his face showing the panic that takes hold of his being.

From inside the room comes an elegant woman, her golden brown hair braided in an intricate bow that is somehow familiar, her long dress in light blue steamy fabric and on her head the characteristic golden band for the Imperial Court's members of staff. "Kylo, you're not going to introduce me to..." Her words seem to deflate when she lays eyes on Rey and Chewbacca.

"Due to the massive prisoners break from the dungeons, our new Governor, the grand general Hux, has decreed a state of alarm in the Imperial Capital. A curfew takes effect immediately to ensure the safety of our citizens until the situation is under control. All visitors should return to the main lobby as soon as possible to claim their..." Rey doesn't have time to finish hearing the message from that ethereal voice when Ben grabs her by the arm and pushes her inside of what turns to be a luxurious apartment. The court lady locks the door after Lucas comes in followed by Chewie, growling guarding the young man.

The back wall is a large window overlooking one of the hospital internal gardens. The last lights of the day precariously illuminate the dark grey walls and polished black stone floor. There're no ornaments on the metal furniture, just a long table surrounded by eight chairs on the left, and in the centre of the room a huge circular glass fireplace surrounded by twelve wide armchairs of black leather.

"How did you escape? Where did you find him?" Ben asks tightly holding her arm. His eyes are completely out of focus as if he's delirious, his magic escaping out of control by his fingertips, slightly burning her skin.

"Kylo dear, remember what the doctor told you," says the woman with a soft voice, placing her hands on his shoulders to hold him, in such an intimate way that Rey feels nauseous. That can't be the safe place Chewie had to bring them to, that doesn't make any sense.

"Stop the act Kaydel! Don't you see she's Rey!" Ben yells looking at her, his eyes shining with what Rey wants to believe's happiness. That's her Ben with that half dimple smile, the same one he gave her when they're alone in the middle of the orchards at the farm outside Hanna City.

Kaydel's eyes are wide open looking at Rey from head to toe. The lady rushes to the huge window and closes the curtains. "You're not in a position to act yet!" She warns him, leaving the living room.

"How did you escape? Where did you find him? How did you locate me?" Ben asks her again, so she's forced to look at him one more time.

"Chewie led us all the way here. Today they opened the dungeons gates. And he's in the cell next to mine..." Rey can't finish talking. Ben lets her go approaching Lucas with big strides. Chewbacca cuts him off, giving her a chance to take off her cape and stand in front of Lucas, knife at hand. "Don't you even think about taking another step!" Rey threatens him seconded by the dog's growl, showing its teeth.

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