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I open the bathroom a little and peak at Luca. He notices the little movement. "Are you hiding in the bathroom? I swear I did not mean to hurt you." He looks away, hurt in his eyes. I open the door all the away. "Why where you never taught how to control it?" He looks at me then glances at the open door. "I was left on the streets as a child." He answers quickly. I walk over to the bedroom door and close it softly. Luca watches me, his stare drilling holes in the back of my head. I walk over to the bed and plop down on the corner. "How did you become part of the pack?" He looks away. "I needed food and was gonna try to steal when Luke caught me. I had no idea what I was at the time. He showed me how to handle my wolf but the blood thing.....Know one close by understands who to handle it." He glances at the door. "Anyway he invited me into the pack three years ago. This pack is the best thing that has happened to me." He meets my gaze. A scream runs threw the house. I jump up and move to the door. Luca grabs my arm. "Wait." I glance at him then the door again. "THIS IS THE POLICE! DROP YOU"RE WEAPONS!" My blood runs cold and I struggle to breath. "They found us." I whisper. Luca pulls me against him. "Listen. Luke said to get you out now. The rest of the Pack will get out your other friends." I pull away from  him. "I'm not leaving them." I hiss and run to the door. A howl fills the house. "Kit. I will force you out of this house if you don't get over here." I jump at his sudden deep voice. I whip around. "We can't even get o-" I turn my head to the side. "What are you doing?" Luca sits in the closet messing with the floor boards. A loud gun shot pierces the air. He lifts up a hatch and waves me over to him. I glance at the door before quickly walking over to him. He points down a pitch black hole. I glance down it and look at him. He mouths the word escape. I look back down the dark hole. Do I really trust him enough to be climbing down dark nasty holes? He rolls his eyes and grabs my arm dragging me to him. "There's a ladder that leads to a tunnel. Just go down." He whispers. I look down the hole again. Loud footsteps and yelling comes from by the door. I hesitantly stick my foot in the hole. Luca grabs my arm and helps me on to the ladder. I start climbing down as fast as I can. The cold metal burns my hands and the cement walls seem to close in around me. My breath quickens but I keep climbing down. I have no other choose. Luca covers the hole as much as he can then starts climbing down too. I breath heavily. My shoe slips on the metal and I hold back a scream. My whole body burns as I push myself to the limit. I think of Hayden, Claire and all the others who right now could be doing something harder then me. I can do this. I know I can. Just when the pain in my hands come to a breaking point my feet hit solid ground. I stare down the dark passage. Luca steps down by me and pulls a flashlight from his pocket. He glances up the ladder before grabbing my hand. "You need to run okay?" I nod at him and take off. He drops my hand, working to catch up. My lean, small body and long legs make it easy to run. It also probable helped I always made sure to run 5 miles a day. My dad use to tell me, even if you can't fight, you can run.

"Almost there!" Luca yells. I slow down a bit and jog beside him. We stop jogging at a old steel door. I stare into the darkness behind us and listen for footsteps. Dead quit. Luca pulls on the door handle. He groans in frustration. I walk to his side and study the door. "Rusted shut." I comment. He throws me a well duh look. "Maybe we could pry it open with a piece of junk metal or a old pole?" I add. He nods and we both start looking for something.
"Do you think this will work?" Luca asks. I use my cat sight to try to find him in the darkness. He walks up to me and shines the flashlight over a old broken golf club. I nod slowly and glance behind us again. Luca jams the club into the door opening. He grunts as he tries to pry it open. I grab the handle with sore hands from the climb on the ladder and pull as hard as my tired body will let me. We struggle for a bit longer before the hinges snap open. I let out a little cheer and Luca smiles goodly at me. Luca slowly opens the door. I put my hand on my pocket knife, ready to take down anyone or anything. Luca tells me to wait and slips out the door. I impatiently bounce on my feet. Luca sticks his head back threw the door. "Everything's clear. You can come out." He states calmly. I nod and slip out the door beside him. I take a deep breath of the fresh air. "Where are we going?" I ask and glance in each direction. Trees cover the ground. The smell of squirrels and rabbits makes my stomach growl. Luca stares at me. "Where are we?" I ask and look around again. "Where located a mile or so away from Sean's house and where headed to the pack house." I look at him. "Pack house?" He starts walking into the woods, I follow behind. "Yes pack house. You know a house for the pack." I roll my eyes at him. "It's around a half a mile from here. You want to walk it or shift here?" He continues. I glance around. "Shift." He nods at my answer and starts taking off his shirt. I tuck myself behind a bush and shift.

I lick my paw and glance at the wolf in front of me. I stare into the different color eyes. The wolf has Luca's light brown fur color but has brushes of tan and black. White runs up all four legs and stops at his shoulders. I watch as Luca in wolf form checks me out. I'm a pretty normal looking mountain lion. Other then the bright green eyes and my coats a bit lighter tan then what normal mountain lions tans are. I'm also smaller then I should be but not by a lot. Luca playfully barks at me and I chirp back. He paws the ground then takes of running. I run after him. He slows a bit and lets me catch up. I jump over a log. He barks again and turns left. I follow his lead.

"That's was fun! I haven't gone running in forever!" I whip my hair out of my face and smile at Luca. He pulls on his shirt, smiling back at me. I stare at the pack house. It's a huge log house with a pool and 3 levels. "Let's go in side and see if anyone else made it." He jogs up the back stairs. I frown letting everything creeps its self back into my brain. I quickly jog after him. Luca whistles loudly then waits. I walk to his side. He looks around the living room then gives me the saddest look. I walk in front of him and grab his hand in mine. "It's okay. They will probable show up in a bit." I coo and throw him a smile. He nods and stares out the window. I drop his hand. I look around then fined my way to the kitchen. "I'm guessing they will be hungry when they get here. How about some chocolate chip pancakes and cookies?" Luca follows me into the kitchen in sits on a bar stool located by the island. "Add bacon and it will be a perfect meal." I nod at him and start pulling out the need things.

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