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Luke smiles at me. "Glad you're okay. Now, guards are all over the forest. It's just a matter of time before they find us. We got everything needed from the pack house." Luca pulls me against him. "I'm going with Kit." He growls and Luke's smile drops. I throw Luca a side look. "I'll be f-." A high pitch scream cuts the air. Both Luca and Luke growl. Claire jumps behind Luke and I hiss loudly. We sit their in silence tell Luke starts yelling things. Luca grabs me and pulls me threw the tent door. He tucks me under his side and walks very fast. We make it to the tree line before another gunshot pierces the air. Luca throw me on his back and starts running. I glance back and see guards everywhere and the bright color of everyones blood. I scream. I'm not letting my friends die with out a fight. I fling myself off Luca's back and shift quickly. Luca yells my name but I drowned him out. I run out of the woods and jump on the closet guard. I bite his neck easily ending his life. I'm out for blood.

I snarl at the guard and whip my tail. "Good kitty, kitty." He purrs, aiming his gun at my head. I hiss and look for a escape. I'm trapped. I shuffle on my feet and watch the guard waiting for any sign of weakness. The guard speaks into his radio never taking his eyes of me. Their far less guards then their was before I stepped in. Me jumping into the gunshot caused Luca to jump in, Luca jumping in caused Luke to have the pack fight. I growl lowly at the guard again and start getting nervous.  The guard walks towards me. I put my ears down and hiss. He smirks at me then opens his mouth to talk. A flash of gray jumps on the guy. Blood goes everywhere as the wolf rips his air pipe out. I growl at the gray wolf. The wolf shifts and my kidnapper stands in front of me. I hiss at him. He pulls the guards pants off and slips them on. "Shift." He commands using his alpha voice. I growl but do as he says. I cover myself and look around for some clothes. The alpha kidnapper throws me some ripped clothes. I put them on quickly. The alpha kidnapper puts out his hand for me to shake. I glare at him then grab his hand. "Names Ty." He states and I smile at him a bit. "Thanks for the help but I have to find Luca." I try pulling my hands from his. He growls and pulls me towards him. I gasp. "LET GO-" A rag is pulled against my mouth. I struggle to stand. Everything slowly goes dark. I mutter some curse words then let my mind slip into the darkness.

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