[29;] Stuck With The Jerk Next Door For Christmas? No Thanks.

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Don't kill me. I'm so so so so so so sorrry that I haven't written in forever.

This will most likely suck balls since I haven't re-read my story to get the gist of it, but once.

It doesn't really have a lot of Sam in this one, some things about her but yeah. It might be short, too, I'm sorry./:

Read on..(:



Recapp ;

I didn't give her time to speak as I walked over to Brianna and Thalita. "How is she?"

"She's not waking up, but she's still breathing." Thalita said quietly.

I sucked in a breath before replying. "Let me get her."

They all nodded and backed up. I picked her up in my arms and asked Thalita, "Where's the nearest hospital?"

"Um, 10 minutes down the road."

I sighed, "Let's hurry then."

They all nodded and rushed out to the car.

I was almost out the front of the mall when Savannah yelled, "Tyler! Wait."

She touched my arm which I couldn't get off since I was still holding Sam.

"Get off me." I said. "I'm done with you and your bullshit, I already told you, don't talk or touch me or Sam, got it?"

- - - -

[Tyler's POV.]

I really wish she would wake up. I'm getting really worried and I think I'm becoming more and more bitchier without her..

It's only been a day and a half but I need to know she's ok. I need to see her eye..her smile. Anything.

A few minutes later of me falling asleep every other minute, the door quietly opened and shut. I looked over to see the doctor.

I let go of Sam's hand, setting it next to her half curled up body on the hospital bed.

I walked up to Dr. Miller, searching for good news. "Well..?"

"Well," He sighed. I groaned a little. "Nothing too bad, just a minor concussion type thing."

Type thing? Was he even a real doctor? Sheesh.

"Uh-huh." I said, really annoyed but my voice softened as I asked. "So, how long will she be like this?"

"Maybe a few days. 2 years, tops." He said quickly.

I felt like I was about to fall. "2 YEARS!?"

"Shh, son. Follow me." He ushered me into the hallway.

No, this faggotface (NOT MAKING FUN OF GAY PEOPLE, I LOVE THEM. IT'S FROM A VIDEO ME & MY FRIENDS WATCHED. Just saying..) said it so frickin' calmly! How in the hell...

"Now, Tyler.." He tried, but I groaned.

"I know, I know," I sighed. "But come on, the girl I love may or may not be in a coma for 2 effin' years!"

"I know, it's hard, but.."

"How do you know?!" I pushed his hand off my shoulder, accidentally getting louder. I lowered my voice when people started looking our way.

"My wife's been in a coma for over a year and a half. Trust me; I know. And It's not easy, I get that, but please cooperate, Tyler. For Sam." He looked me straight in the eyes as he said all that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2013 ⏰

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