Chapter 1: Love at first sight.

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It was just another normal day after recording with the boys. We stayed on discord call for a bit, having a laugh and then we all went off. It had just gone 3pm and I wanted to go shopping. I dont really know why, I was just bored. I told the boys I was going out for a bit and wouldn't be back for about 2 hours. I left the house and drove to the nearest mall. I got a text from Mully saying that the video just posted on the boys channel so that was even better. I soon arrived at the mall, got out of my car and went inside. Everybody was shouting and huddled over something! I thought something bad happened so I went over to check it out. I got a closer look and it was the famous EddieVR! I'd never seen him in person, only his videos. He looked cuter in person and I couldn't stop staring at him..he caught my eye and winked at me. I blushed and went inside a shop. I tried to take my mind off of him but I just couldn't. He was so...dreamy.

I walked around the mall for a bit and saw Taco Bell. I was really hungry so I went inside. I went up to the counter to order a taco and I saw Eddie again, right beside me.

''Hey'' I said to him ''I saw you earlier..your really cool.''

''Thanks!'' He said. I looked into his eyes, then looked away. He was so cute! I got my taco then went over to my table and sat down. I was eating my taco but couldn't stop staring at soon as he looks in my direction, I looked away and went back to eating my taco. I wanted him. I couldn't resist him! I just thought I'd take my mind off of him and go back home.

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