Chapter 2: We meet again!

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It was the next night, 11pm. I couldn't sleep. All the boys were asleep at their house so I couldn't talk to any of them either. I kept turning around in bed but I still couldn't fall asleep so I just decided to stay awake. I grabbed some clothes, put my shoes on and went for a walk in the nearest park. It was quite dark but all the street lights lit it up and it was quite pretty. I was walking around for a while in the forest area and suprisingly, saw Eddie! I didn't know he lived in Florida?! I went over to talk to him. He was standing on a bridge above the river. staring down at it.

''I see we meet again'' I say to him. He jumped and turned around.''

''Oh, it's just you. How do we keep bumping into each other?'' He asked.

''Dunno. I live quite close to this park. I come down here often on a night to have a walk.''

''I live near here too! We should meet here if we come on a night'' Eddie said. I was so happy! I gave him my number and we started talking for about 10 minutes. He said he must go so we said goodbye and went opposite directions. I looked back and stared at him..he was so cute and sweet. I loved him so much..

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