Chapter 3: Gaege makes a move..

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Me and Eddie started going to our spot regularly on a night at 10-11pm. We grew so close it was like we were best friends and had known each other for years and years. Sometimes, I lay in bed, wishing that. I go through our messages and hope one day, it'll become more than just friends.

One night, I couldn't resist him for any longer. It was time I made my move. I grabbed a scarf and went out to meet Eddie again. I knew it was what I wanted. I wouldn't abuse him..but he would be mine and he would obey me. It felt wrong..ruining our friendship almost..but it would hopefully be worth it in the end. I saw him, ran over and we started talking like we usually do. I asked him if he had a girlfriend but he said he was single. Even better!

''Hey..Gaege..can I tell you something?'' He asked me

''Anything dude!'' I told him.

''I'm not ready to tell my fans yet but I thought I'd tell you..don't tell anybody but..'' He came closer to me. I could feel him breathing in my ear.

''I'm gay..'' He told me. I was just one step away from my master plan! This couldn't have been any more perfect..

''It's ok! I am too! I won't tell a single soul, I promise!'' He smiled and hugged me. I started to feel bad for what I was about to do..but it was for the best I think. He told me he should be going home now and he said goodbye. I began to rethink my decision but, you only live once I guess.

''Eddie! Wait!'' I ran towards him.

''Yeah whats up Gaege?'' He replied.

''I'm sorry for what I'm about to do..but trust me, you're in no danger.'' And before he could say anything, I wrapped the scarf around his face so he couldn't breathe. I carried him back to my house.

*It's for my own good..* I thought.

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