Chapter 7: the date part 3

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Sophie pov

Right now I'm sitting crisscross on a blanket for the picnic. Keefe's head in on my lap. My fingers going through his soft hair. His face looks so peaceful...

I feel really bored. And I really feel like annoying Keefe now that he looks peaceful. I poke his right cheek with my right hand. After two seconds I poke his left cheek with my left hand. He raises his eyebrows. After two seconds I poke his right cheek with my right hand. After one second I poke his left cheek with my left hand.

His eyes open, I look into those ice blue eyes which is a mistake because I can't take my eyes from those beautiful eyes.
He smirks at me, I don't know why but he looks so cute right with his hair messed up. My brain takes a moment to catch that I called Keefe cute. I immediately blush. And peel my eyes from his.

"Who were you thinking of, Foster?" Keefe asked me.

"Uh, no one!" I say a little too fast.

"Did you know you are a terrible liar?" He says smirking.

"So, what shampoo did you use for your hair?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Wow, your not so good at changing the topic too, are you?" He says. We sit in silence for a while. Nobody wanting to break the silence until, my stomach growls. And my face turns bright red.

"Looks like someones hungry huh?" He says as takes his head from my lap.

"Well, yeah" I mumble. He takes the food out of the small picnic bag for dinner. I look at what Keefe is taking out and I something catches my eye, a food which looks like purple mash and has black stripes in the mush.

"Keefe, what's that?" I ask him pointing to the food I just described.

"That's Mashed Carnissa Root with Umber leaves. I think you'll like it" he says as he gives me some in a plate. As soon as the the mash touches my tongue I get the flavour. The mash tasters like cheeseburgers and the black stripes taste like chicken? Wow they taste so good.

"Mmm, this tastes like chicken!" I tell him and he looks at me confused.

"Isn't chicken like a bird?" He asks me.


"How do you eat a bird? Humans are disgusting!" He shrieks.

"We don't eat the bird raw, we fry it. And humans are not disgusting! I'm a human too!" I yell back at him.

"Well the other humans are disgusting, and your not disgusting" he says as he takes a tissue and wipes the drool from the side is my mouth. I blush bright red as the side of his hand gets in contact with my lip. He smirks as if he had been expecting me to blush.
"Time for desert!" He shouts. I grab the mallowmelt box from his hands.

"Hey! I thought we were sharing!" He asks me.

I shake my head and start gobbling mallowmelt. I was so focused on eating that I didn't see the box disappear from my lap. I finish the mallowmelt which I was holding in my hand and look around trying to figure out where the others went. I look and see that Keefe has almost finished all the mallowmelt, there are 3 more mallowmelt left in the box.

I see that him taking one and he's eating it. I reach for one out of the box and put it inside my mouth. We both look at each other then the last mallowmelt. We both reached for the last last mallowmelt.

He takes it before me but he's still eating the other mallowmelt so I jump on him trying to take it back. He holds it higher, well not higher he stretches his hand on top of his head and starts chewing the mallowmelt in his mouth faster. Since his hands are really long it's really far way.

I try to go near the mallowmelt but end up falling on him fully. I closely get up but freeze when I realise how close our faces are to each other. He stops chewing and I think he realises that too. I blush bright red.We both look into each other's eyes.

Keefe pov

We both look into each other's eyes. Her eyes are warm brown with golden flecks. She looks so cute with her hair falling from the sides of her head and the red colour that's tinted on her cheeks. A thought struck my head. Do I like Foster? Impossible! I like Biana right? That's why I am acting as if I like Foster so I could make Biana jealous.

Of course I don't like Foster, I was just describing her. And how she looks, she looks cute? I like Biana and no one else. End of discussion. I clear my throat and she turns more red than before.

Back to Sophie pov

I quickly get off him. As soon as he gets up, I grab the mallowmelt out of his hand. That actually worked! I quickly shove the mallowmelt into my mouth so he can't take it from me. He frowns and smile happily.

"So what are we doing next?" I ask him, sitting down.

"Come here" he says as he lays down and pats next to him. I sit and lay down. He points to the sky. I look up and...

"Woah, the sky looks so beautiful" I tell him. He just smiles.

——————-———————————————   After 20 mins  ———————————————————————————————

I yawned as we were looking at the sky.

"Are you tired?" Keefe asks me .

"Yeah a bit"

"Let's get you home, shall we?" He says checking his watch.

"What time is it?" I ask getting up.

"8:00 pm" he says as he starts to pack all the food into the picnic bag. After he finishes packing we light leap to Havenfield. While we were walking Keefe asked

"So, did you have fun?"

"Yup!" I said grinning. As we reached my house, Keefe was going to knock on the door. But I hugged him, I hugged him because  the date was really good and I didn't want Keefe to feel like it wasn't good. There was another reason in my head which made me blush. He was very warm. I pulled away before it became weird. I knocked on the door. Grady and Edaline were both there.

"You're-" Grady looks at his watch "-3 minutes late!" Grady shouted. He looked like he wanted to say something else but Edaline whispered something into his ear and he went inside. I stepped into my house and waved to Keefe and he waved back. With a stupid grin on my face I went to sleep.
Hi, guys sorry for the late update.
I'm kinda in loss of ideas.

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