Chapter 12

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Jennie wakes up and stretches her arms out. She yawning and try to grab Taehyung beside her but nothing. Her hands searching for him.

"Tae?" She calls. No, respond from him.

"Tae?" She calls again. Still, no response from him.

She opens her eyes and saw an empty side. Usually, she will see him sleeping. Jennie sits up and looks around the room.

"Where is this alien?" Jennie mutters.

She gets up and went downstairs. This morning is silent and it so suspicious.

"I never get a silent morning before. Usually, I will hear Jin scolding the others or they arguing over something stu*id." Jennie talks to herself.

She went downstairs and there's no one in there. The same goes for the living room and kitchen.

"Good morning." A sleepy voice behind her. She turns around and found Rose in her pajamas.

"Good morning. Weird. Where are the boys?" She asking Rose who's rubbing her eyes.

"What? I thought Jimin is here with the boys." Rose said and yawns.

"No. Tae also not here. All of them." Jennie respond.

"Maybe they went out for a while." She goes grabs a bowl and cereal.

"No way. If they went out, they will leave a memo or note." Jennie exclaims and sits.

Rose serve her cereal and hot milk. Then, she does the same to herself. "Oh."

"You're not worried?" Jennie frowns.

"Worried? Why should I? I mean, who dare to kill them?" She chuckles.

"But, at least leave a note or something." Jennie sighs and eats her breakfast.

"If you worried, why don't you call Tae?" Rose suggested.

Jennie silent at first then nods. She goes take her phone upstairs and went back down.

She calls him and puts it on speaker. The two girls waiting for him to pick up. Sadly, he didn't pick up.

"Tae never ignore or didn't pick up my call!!" Jennie gasp. Rose chuckles at her reaction.

"Maybe they have something to do." She said.

"No way. No matter how busy he is, he never misses my call." Jennie denied.

"If you say so." Rose shrugs her shoulder and continues eating.

She tries to call him again and waits. After the third call, he finally answers it.

"Hey, babe-"

"Don't you 'hey babe' me." Jennie mocking him. "Where are you? You never disappeared in the morning before me!!"

", we kind of in the middle of work." Taehyung answers.

"Work?" She furrows her eyebrows and looks at Rose who already stares at her.

"Is Jimin there?" Rose spokes.

"J-Jimin? Well...uhh..yeah, y-yeah, he's here." He answers.

Jennie mouthed 'he's lying' at Rose. She knows how Taehyung lying or not.

"Oh. If you say so, can I hear his voice?" Rose continues.

It was silent. Then, Taehyung spokes, "S-Sure. Hey, Jimin!! Rose wants to talk with you!!"

Then, someone speaks.

"Hey, Rose." It not Jimin. The voice still belongs to Taehyung but he trying to make it sounds like Jimin.

"Tae, don't be dumb." Jennie rolls her eyes.

"What!? I'm not!!- oh!! I have to go!! Bye!!" The call ended.

The girls exchange looks. "They do something they don't want us to know," Jennie speaks. Rose just nods agreed.


The girls chilling on the couch while watching k-drama, 'Love Revolution'. In the middle of the story, the front door opens.

Their head turns and saw Namjoon with Yoongi.

"Welcome back. Where're the others?" Jisoo asking.

"They have something to do." Namjoon answers.

"Where are you guys going this early morning?" Jennie asks.

"Nowhere. We just have boys' time." He said.

Jennie narrows her eyes on him. He looks away and slightly elbows Yoongi to help him.

"Don't worried. We're not kids, okay?" Yoongi rolls his eyes.

Rose stands up and gives the potato chips to Lisa. "Handling you boys feel like taking care of the kid." She sneers

"Tch. Handling you girls is like taking care of the kid." Yoongi talks back.

"Whatever. Tell us where are they?" Rose puts her hands on her hips. She already standing in front of him.

"Stop asking that and they're fine." He said in an annoyed tone.

Rose looks back and the girls nod.

At the end~

"ARGHH!!! STOP!!!" Namjoon groaning. Jennie locks his hand on his back. Lisa recording the scene.

Rose on Yoongi's back, sitting on him and holding his arms behind.

"Are you two going to tell us or not?" Jisoo asks as she knees down.

"No!!" They yells.

Just signs the girls to make it harder. "A-Ahhh!!!!" Yoongi yells.

"Tell or I break your arm!!" Rose said.

"If you break it, I wouldn't hesitate to break yours." He responds.

"Come on, just tell us." She sighs.

"If we tell you, what we get?" Namjoon asks.

"Oh come on!! This is not the right time to bet." Lisa groans.

When they about to talks back, the door slams opens. They startled and saw Jin with a pissed face.

"I call both of you many times but you guys didn't respond!!" He yells.

"Do you see what happened right now!? If I have eight hands, I will reply to your calls or message." Yoongi being sarcastic.

"What happened?" Jin walks closer.

"They force us to tell them." Namjoon answers.

Jin raises his eyebrows, "Oh. If you girls want to know, follow us."

The girls exchange looks and just shrugs their shoulders. They get up and follow Jin.

"Are we going somewhere?" Lisa asks as she realizes they heading to a car.

"Yes. Just follow and stop questioning." He said with a serious tone.

His eyes showing that it something serious. It makes the girls nervous to face whatever it is.

"I warn you, girls, it might dirty. So, be careful." He warns. Yoongi and Namjoon nod in agreement.

"Did you guys found something?" Jennie asks.

"Better than that. Trust us." Namjoon said.

They hop in and Jin starts to drive to the destination.


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