Chapter 26

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The night wore on without anymore issues. We ate, talked, danced altogether having a good time.

Devin and I was were about to leave when Shavon stops us.

You guys can't leave yet. They are about to announce the King and Queen.

Nah, I'll pass on that. You know Angels gonna get Queen and I feel sorry for whom ever the kings date is. She's sure to sink her claws into him.

We had just stood up when the Principal says and this years Prom King is Devin Tyler.

He looks at me, you know I am not going up there with her.

He pulls me towards the door.

And this years Prom Queen is Noelle Joseph!

The room once again erupted with cheers, claps and well wishes.

I stare into space shocked as Devin drags me toward the stage.

We stand on stage being crowned smiling at each other. I guess everyone figured out what I've known all along.

What is that?

That you embody everything there is about being a queen. That's why your my personal Queen, my Luna. How could they not choose you.

Now your King and Queen will have their spot light dance.

We step on to the dance floor. If I ain't got you by Alicia Keys comes on. He places his hands on my waist.

When an obviously drunk Angel stumbles towards us. She cheated. I am the queen. I know everyone voted for me.

Oh fuck my life! I sighed again. WHY!!!

Young lady, I can assure you that Miss. Joseph did not cheat. She won honestly.

You bitch, I hate you. I fucking hate you. That's supposed to be my crown! I am supposed to be queen not you.. You ruin everything.

The Principal began yelling for Angels date to come and collect her. Conner embarrassed at the scene she was causing snuck out and left her one of the students say.

He asked for one of the females teachers to escort Angel out and to call her parents to come and get her.

As the teacher took hold of her elbow. Angel slapped her yelling and struggling. Get your hands off of me. Why are you putting me out!

Another teacher comes to help remove her. While she continues to scream.

Noelle. I wish you would have died in the fire.
Your gonna pay for this, you bitch!

Ok everybody calm down, calm down students. That unfortunate incident is over. So let us get back to the party. King and Queen your spot light dance.

After the spot light dance students who avoided me for fear of Angels retribution came up to me. Congratulating me on being crowned queen saying what a cute couple Devin and I make. We talked to them for awhile before excusing ourselves to go home.

As we walked to the car he pulled me into a kiss. You know I was hoping you would step away from me tonight, so I could punish you like I said but you were a good little kitty.

We pulled away from the school heading home.

You know I was really proud, surprised but proud how you put aside your differences with Taylor tonight and allowed all of us to have a good time.

We continued to talk the entire ride home just laughing and enjoying each others company.

Pulling up to the back of the house.

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