Chapter 8

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Noelle's POV

We walked outside to his Yukon He opened the door and helped me up into the SUV. Then runs around to the driver's side. He seats himself behind the wheel and asked if there was a certain type of music or artist I wanted to listen to.

It doesn't matter what ever you usually listen to will be fine with me. He hits the audio button on the SUV'S display connected it to his phone

His play list was impressive he has a mixture of all genres. I was shocked when he played J. Coles Middle Child, I laughed as he sang along to Usher's Daddys Home and was pleasantly surprised when he sung Ed Sheeran Thinking out loud.

He has a beautiful singing voice. I don't know why but as he sang I reached for his hand holding it in mine an began to sing the chorus with him.
(People fall in love in mysterious ways, may be just the touch of  a hand)

He looks at me and we smile at each other as we continue to sing until the song ends. Oh my gosh Devin I never would have guest. You have a beautiful voice I gushed.

Your not so bad yourself he replies.

We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes both of us contemplating the connection we just made while singing together. I was still in deep thought when I heard him say my name.

What are you thinking about so hard over there?

Just if I should reveal something to you. Well is it bad or good, he asks.

I'm not sure I guess it depends on how you look at. I say.

Ok so tell me what it is so I can see how I look at.

I hope I don't scare you off. I'm really not bold or a clingy girl and I know we literally just met yesterday but there is something about you.

It calms me, makes me want to tell you my entire life story, spend every waking moment with you.  Like this morning. I tried not to sleep up close to you but every time I moved from next you. I found myself rolling and shifting myself to be right under you again. It's like I have this desire to always be touching you.
Did I just totally creep you out?

I sat quietly waiting for his response. I cursed myself internally. Why did I tell him that. He's going to turn around any second now to take me back and never want to see me again. I'm sorry.....I started to say.

No. Don't ever apologize for saying how you feel. He tells me and for the record I am not creeped out. I feel the exact same way. I wanted so much to say that to you but since we just met I was worried you would think I was weird. I'm just surprised you feel this way too and was open enough to tell me. 

We pulled up to the Cinema. Parking the car he came around and opened my door. What would you like to see. He asked as we made it to the ticket booth? How do you feel about seeing Glass. The previews looked promising. If that's ok with you.

Sure as long as I'm with you it doesn't matter what we see. He purchased our tickets and we walked inside to the concession area. I'm going to run to the restroom. Do you mind ordering us some snacks he asks reaching into his wallet handing me his card.

I stood in the concession line waiting my turn as familiar arms wrapped around my waist. Fuck my life! I struggled to free myself. I elbowed him in the stomach which made him release me. I turned around. What the hell Brett. Are you stalking me? Why can't you just leave me alone. It's over between us and after what you pulled last night. Your lucky I don't call the police!  Come on now Noelle, you know you still want me. We were together a long time. You can not have forgotten what we had. You still have some feelings for me. I know you do, your just using this guy to make me jealous. Admit it.

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