Tres | Three

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Tres | Three

The clique begins to walk along the gravel, taking different routes to different activities. Eyeing possible means of some fun, while talking about random shit. For instance, Kiki had basically made me get a matching henna tattoo together. She wanted one on the hip since we were both wearing shorts, but one of mines were already coated with ink, and my bottoms was covering it so I made sure they didn't see. Anyways, it seemed a little strange, and the time difference from now and when we met were not long. I suggested one our wrists so we got a turtle with a lotus flower on its back.

     I stood by Kiki, with the fact she wouldn't let my damn arm go. And Jayce on my right with Abe and . . . "Mouse".

     I grin at his name; I personally like Tamir.

     "Aren't we suppose to be together in public?" Tamir questions, smacking his teeth, trying to look upset but can't help but smile in the process. Kiki smirks then let's my arm go to wrap around his. I rub mines relieving the tension. Damn, she has a strong grip.

     "Is this better, Mouse?" Kiki questions, with a tone as though she was speaking to a baby. After playfully pouting her lips, she kisses him on the cheek, leaving a light pink mark. He's quick to roll his eyes and rub it, creating a streak on his cheek. "Fuck. You. Yukiko," he states behind gritted teeth, causing all of us to laugh.

     She slaps his arm (rather hard for someone as petite as her), causing Tamir to wince. "You know how much I fuckin' hate that name."

     "Well, damn, take that up with your mother, not my arm!"

     We all laugh again before Kiki ventures back over to me, slinging an arm around my shoulder. "See why I seem attached to you? I can't stand these ass-wipes." I swear, hanging with these guys will cause my internal organs to turn to Jell-O; my stomach was already hurting from all the laughter.

     "Okay," Abe's voice breaks through. "We gotta at least play some games. Look, guns and loud shit!"

     He legit sounds like an excited little kid who'd just discovered a candy store, but that's beside the point. We all face what Abe was pointing at to find a game booth that had targets all around it. We walk up while Abe paces quickly. He's excited as the fuck.

     "Man, bet'chu ain't even gon' hit one," Jayce jokes."I'll fuck you up in this game."

     "A'ight, a'ight playa," Abe raises his eyebrow sounding real cocky.

"Ha, put me in 'dis bitch," Tamir chimes in, pulling away from Kiki.

     The boys all pay, setting their bets to the side, and begin to load their weapons. "Oh, they're gonna suck major testicles," Kiki mutters, causing me to but a into a fit of laughter.

     We watch the bullets being fired with a small faint noise. The weapon is obviously fake. Jayce gets 65 points, Tamir with 51, and Abe with 39.

     "Cocky ho, now gimme my mullah," Jayce exclaims, rubbing his fingers together. Kiki laughs and I can't help but join in. I tell you, Jell-O.

     "You think you can do better?" Abe questions grinning, and pointing his hands in the form of a gun at her.

     "Get more than thirty-nine? Fuck outta here, boy," Kiki scoffs. She pulls me closer to the booth and hands me a revolver. It was connected to the table with a long string so no one would take it. "Your in this bet too, señiora."

     I place the revolver back on the table backing away. "I can't do that shit, I ain't about to shoot my fucking eye out. Have you ever seen A Christmas Story!" I exclaimed. I then feel someone pushing me back towards the booth, Jayce.

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