Dos | Two

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Dos | Two

I decided to investigate my room and see what it can do and what it has. I noticed a panel full of touchscreen buttons, and saw a TV one. So I clicked it. I began hearing a machine hum, and I turned around to find a TV coming out of a the dresser in front of the couch. I just stood in awe. Okay, I must admit, my father has really outdone himself this time.

I really didn't feel like staying in the house. There's so much to explore in this new place, so I decided to venture out.

Just threw on something simple to wear something simple, a white shirt with some black shorts. I always make sure my shorts are longer then my tattoo, and my black combat boots. I let my hair flow in it's natural wavy state, not bothering to mess with it much. I was light on makeup, as I didn't want my poor father to have a heart-attack. The shorts we probably enough to set him over the edge.

"Kinani, I'm leaving," Papi exclaimed knocking on my door in a bit of a rush. It swings open, and he raises an eyebrow at my attire. "Where are you going."

I shrugged. You're gonna be gone for a couple hours, so why not go and explore?"

He didn't argue, and I knew he wouldn't. I know he'd want me to get as acquainted as possible with this place so I wouldn't give him grief about the move. "Okay, but be careful. Love you."

"Love you too, Papi, Bendicion."

I found a park. The walk was pretty quick, with it only being around the corner. It seemed to be packed, and was literally lit. There were a lot of attractions, like rides, booths, et cetera. Fun shit.

Looks like we touched down on carnival season.

I stay on my phone, lurking on Instagram and playing a couple games as I walked around, wanting to seem occupied so nobody decided to bother me, which probably wouldn't happen anyways. I mean, really, who wants to appear to be a loner, walking around all by yourself like a lost puppy. After a while I figured I should walk out but then I began to hear laughing to what it seems like a couple guys. They walk by, they were close enough that I could see three guys that look my age heading to the entrance.

I stared long enough for one to notice me. He seemed to be ignoring his friends while staring at me, and I do too. I begin to scowl, and turn to look away, breaking eye contact. I kind of begin to wish I didn't, though, because when I look back a moments later, they were gone. Yay, friends for Kinani, mini-me rages in my head.

I continue to walk around with the noise of cheering screaming and laughter--happines--floating around, and I automatically begin to wish I would've just stayed home. I cover my hands with my face and try to collect my thoughts on the situation. The moving, the leaving my friends, the new school, even my mom which I wish she was here right now to keep me company.

After a while of just walking around aimlessly, I became impatient, and bored, and sad all in one, and grew sick of moping around. Since I'm sure I won't "make friends" just by being in the same scene as people, sit on a nearby bench and begin to text Papi that I'll be home, so he doesn't worry.

"Yo," a voice calls out in front of me. I slowly look up and a guy in standing, staring at me. I then look around kinda figuring he's talking to someone else.

"Yes, you," he then says sitting next to me on the bench. I'm able to get a closer look at him sizing him up. I realize he's the guy that saw me earlier. And trust me, he looks way cuter up close than from a far. If I do say so myself even though he was in front of me, the only person sitting on the bench.

His skin was like a soft brown color, light enough to be considered "light-skinned" if social media had a say. His eyes were different, really pretty, almond shaped with irises a pale green color. His choice of an outfit was simple, too. He wore a black beanie, matched with a white T-shirt with black stars covering it, and black straight-legged jeans. On his feet he wore a pair of Air Jordan sneakers, in which I had no idea what they were called nor am interest to find out. Other than that, he had on black studs, and a black-wooden Jesus piece hanging from his neck.

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