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Melody's POV
I woke up around 1:30 pm to my phone ring.

Incoming call from
Markie moo

Ughh what does he want. Doesn't he know I'm trying to sleep.



MELODY! Are you just now waking up??

Yes mark, I would still be asleep if a certain someone didn't call me.

You're welcome, but anyways the reason why I called is that I wanted to ask if you'd like the play among us with my friends later?

Ummm, sure? I mean yea I'll play but who's all going to play?

Oh. Jack, Toast, Pewds, Valyrae, Sykkuno, Ze, Corpse, and Ethan.

Oh ok. Yea I'll play. What time do you think we will start?

6 i believe.

Okay I'll be there. Just send me an invite to the discord and text me when yall are about to start.

Okay sista, love ya bye.

Love you bye.

*Call ended*

I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen to fix me something to eat. Looking down at my phone to check the time.

2:30 pm

"Great." I signed. I honestly didn't want to play today, but I can't say no to my older brother. Especially since he's help me get to where I was today.



Hey my lovely bitchesss, I'm streaming later today on Twitch!

Better join or I'll cry :(

Love you all <3

Markipler and 123,997 liked

19,453 retweeted


Can't wait to play with you sis!

| lilmarble_official: Can't wait either!


Omg can't wait, def gonna join

user673: ew no one cares about you.


Yesss I can't wait to finally talk to you again! Miss you

| lilmarble_official: we talked yesterday lol.

User73453: Yay!

Pewdiepie: Can't wait to hear you're reaction to Corpse_husbands voice!

| lilmarble_official: pewds husshhhh its just a voice.

|| user0297348: Omg how could you say that?

User8263492: OMg shes playing with Corpse! Cant wait

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Ugh what is so special about his voice? I've heard his voice before on Tiktok and honestly it's just a really deep voice. Nothing special.

I go to my bathroom to take a bath before the stream, I don't want to look like I've been in bed for the past 3 days. I get out and do my makeup. Loving how my eye

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