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Suicide attempt. I'm so sorry if any of this triggers any of you.


Corpse pov

What happened? Why did she get off so quickly? 

I tried calling her but she wouldn't pick up. 


I looked at my phone and Melody has posted on her Instagram story.

It was a blank picture.

I'm sorry for all the trouble I have caused everyone. I'm going away for a while, I can't handle the hate anymore.

What hate has been getting? Was it from me? I see that there was two other pictures on her story.

It was a screenshot from her stream, the comments were awful.

I clicked to the next picture and it was another blank picture.

I hope to talk to you in another life time Corpsey.

She posted that 5 minutes ago.

I tried calling her again but it went straight to voicemail.

"babygirl please call me back please, I can't do this without you. Please!"

I decided to call Mark.

Mark: Hello?

Corpse: Where is your sister? Have you talked to her?

Mark: No what's wrong? 

Corpse: I have a bad feeling, she posted something on her insta story about seeing me in a different life

Mark: *whispers* shit...

Corpse: WHAT!

Mark: I'm going to send you her address and I need you to meet me there. She getting suicidal again.

My heart stop. I ran to my car and left for her house.

"Please be okay! Please" I shouted while dodging through traffic.

I turned a 45 minute drive into a 20 minute drive, I didn't care about to getting stop. I just need to know she is safe.

I get to her house and see police cars and an ambulance there along with Mark and Amy.

I put my mask on and ran to them.

Corpse: Is she okay? What is happening?!

Amy walks off crying, I wanted to say something but I don't know what to say..

Mark: She's okay. They got to her just before her stomach to digest the pills, but she lost a lot of blood since she cut herself. Other than that I don't know anything else. They won't let us go be with her.

I sighed, I hope she's okay.

*15 minutes later*

A EMT walks out of the house walks towards us.

EMT: I amuse you must be her family?

We all shook our heads yes.

EMT: She will be fine, but we need to take her to the hospital. She lost a lot of blood and her body has gone into shock. One person may get in the ambulance with us, but we need an ID and who you are to her. I got to go get the stretcher, I'll let you guys talk.

Mark: I can go with her but I know she isn't going to want to see me when she wakes up.

Amy: He's right Corpse, she's going to want to see you first.

Corpse: I'll go if they let me but if they don't I'll be right behind you. 

Mark: Okay we will talk to him when gets out. 

Corpse: hey mark, why do you say that she's going to want to see me first when she wakes up?

Mark: I'm not suppose to say anything, but lets just say she cares a lot about you. Like a lot.

I smiled at the thought of her actually liking me. God Melody I need you to make it through this. I need you.

A couple minutes later they bring her out on the stretcher. She was pale, she didn't look like the Melody I first met. But she is still beautiful.

I walked up to the EMT guy and asked if i could go.

EMT: Who are you to her?

Corpse: Her boyfriend.

EMT: okay well normally only family is suppose to be in here, but I'm going to let it slide. I know how difficult this situation is, she's going to need you.

*30 minutes later* 

we arrived at the hospital and we are getting her out of the ambulance when her oxygen levels dropped.

EMT: We have to get her under oxygen immediately!

They start rushing her into the hospital, yelling at people saying she need blood and oxygen.

I'm surprised I kept up with them with how fast we are moving, but I have to stay with her.

They finally get her set up to machines and everything else she needed. She was finally stabled enough for visitors.

*4 hours later* 

Doctor: Hello, I'm Melody's doctor. I just wanted to come in here and check on her and also talk to you.

Corpse: Hello, how is she?

I stood up and shook his hand before sitting back down to hold her hand. 

Doctor: She's fine. Everything seems to be looking good, but there is just one thing.

Corpse: What is it?

Doctor: We don't know when she will wake up. She went into a coma a couple minutes after her body went into shock. She could wake up tomorrow or she'll wake up 2 years from now.

Corpse: But she will wake up one day right?

Doctor: Yes, but it's up to her when she wants to wake up.

Corpse: Thank you doctor.

He nodded his head before he walked out the door.

How am I fixing to tell everyone what has happened? 

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